- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LT0052 (AF:517328 AR:288786)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 12
- Subdivision
- Class 1
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/14
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Division of classes:
Lingua tedesca 1, classe 1 (Prof. Cognola):
[LT10] curriculum LETTERARIO - CULTURALE e
Studenti che studiano LINGUA TEDESCA 1 con i crediti liberi o con crediti in sovrannumero.
Lingua tedesca 1, classe 2 (Prof. Strobel):
Expected learning outcomes
Sociolinguistic of the German language; knowledge of phonological-phonetic structures; description of the morphology of German, with special focus on word formation processes; knowledge and understanding of the grammatical and lexical elements necessary for communication in German at the B1 level in Deutsch als Fremdsprache.
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills:
Ability to transcribe German words correctly using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA); Ability to analyze correctly the morphological and syllabic structure of words; Ability to compare metalinguistically German with Italian, especially on phonological-phonetic and morphological structures of the German language. Ability to use appropriate linguistic terminology. Ability to understand a university lecture in German. Ability to understand and write short texts, and in general, ability to produce (at B1 level) and understand (at B1 level) written and oral texts in German.
Autonomy of judgment:
Ability to apply the practical skills (IPA transcription, syllable and word analysis) acquired in Prof. Cognola's module to new words and ability to judge the correctness of alternatives and to argue for a solution.
Ability to judge the correctness of grammatical structures in written and oral texts that can be connected with B1 level.
Communicative skills:
Receptive skills at B1 level, e.g., ability to follow a frontal lecture on a linguistic topic. Ability to understand simple news articles and short narrative texts. B1-level productive skills, e.g., being able to write simple texts on familiar topics and knowing how to narrate a story or the plot of a book or movie. Interactive skills at B1 level, e.g., knowing how to participate in conversations on familiar topics, of personal interest or concerning everyday life. Ability to intervene in class, virtual class and exercises.
Ability to learn:
Ability to take notes during a university lecture. Ability to use bilingual and monolingual dictionary appropriately. Ability to use language resources on the Internet. Ability to use virtual classroom tools (Moodle).
Linguistic topics will always be presented from a German-Italian contrastive perspective in order to initiate metalinguistic reflection to help the student acquire the formal characteristics of the German language.
The language exercises taught by the CELs (in two parallel groups in the I semester and one group in the second semester) are aimed at the development of written and oral, receptive, productive and interactive skills at B1 level. They work with texts on current topics as a starting point for in-class activities (reading/listening, discussion, written productions), also aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of vocabulary and grammatical structures.
Specialized tutoring (offered by advanced students or doctoral students; the activation will be communicated by Prof. Cognola) offer support for IPA transcriptions and morpheme analysis of words, support for reviewing grammar topics (also by conducting mock exams); written production exercises, also in small groups.
Referral texts
Lessons slides and material on Moodle;
Pittner, Karin, Einfuehrung in die germanistische Linguistik, 2. Auflage, WBG Darmstatt, chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
***Optional readings ***
Alber, Birgit (2007), Einführung in die Phonologie des Deutschen. Verona: QuiEdit (pp: 21-66; 105-134)
Alber, Birgit (2015), Einführung in die Morphologie des Deutschen. Verona: QuiEdit. (pp 17-84)
Gaeta, Livio (2017), Lineamenti di Grammatica Tedesca. Roma: Carocci. (Cap 1, pp 17-35)
Woellstein Angelika (2104): Topologisches Satzmodell. Heidelberg: Winter (pp 1-32)
*** Mandatory texts for the DaF exercises:
ASPEKTE NEU. MITTELSTUFE DEUTSCH. LEHRBUCH B1 PLUS. Di Ute Koithan, Helen Schmitz et. al. Berlin: Langenscheidt 2014, 191 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-12-605016-6).
ASPEKTE NEU. MITTELSTUFE DEUTSCH. ARBEITSBUCH B1 PLUS MIT AUDIO-CD. Di Ute Koithan, Helen Schmitz et. al. Berlin: Langenscheidt 2014, 184 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-12-605017-3).
*** Grammars:
Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, LEHR- UND ÜBUNGSBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN GRAMMATIK – AKTUELL NEUBEARBEITUNG, Ismaning: Hueber 2009, 392 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-307255-9) oppure nella versione italiana: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, GRAMMATICA TEDESCA CON ESERCIZI – NUOVA EDIZIONE, Ismaning: Hueber 2011, 360 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-047255-0).
For beginners:
Monika Reimann, GRUNDSTUFEN-GRAMMATIK FÜR DAF - GRAMMATICA DI BASE DELLA LINGUA TEDESCA CON ESERCIZI, 240 pagg., Ismaning: Hueber 2010 (2a ed.) (ISBN 978-3-19-051575-2)
***Monolingual dictionary
WAHRIG DEUTSCHES WÖRTERBUCH, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 2011, 1728 pagg. (ISBN 978-3577075954) [anche: ed. Zanichelli 2007, ISBN 9788808166760] o altra edizione, oppure:
DUDEN UNIVERSALWÖRTERBUCH, Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut 2011 (7a ed.), 2112 pagg., (ISBN 978-3411055074) oppure con CD-ROM (ISBN 978-3411714247) o altra edizione.
*** Bilingual dictionary:
IL NUOVO DIZIONARIO DI TEDESCO. DIZIONARIO TEDESCO-ITALIANO, ITALIANO-TEDESCO, di L. Giacoma e S. Kolb, Bologna: Zanichelli 2009, 2672 pagg., (ISBN 978-8808177681).
Assessment methods
(a) adequacy in answering and solving the exercises in relation to the skills students are expected to have acquired by the end of the course; (b) completeness in answering and solving the exercises in relation to the skills students are expected to have acquired by the end of the course; (c) ability to articulate answers to open-ended questions logically and clearly (including relevant comparisons with Italian from a contrastive perspective); and (d) mastery of the specialized language of linguistics. The test lasts 60 minutes without dictionary.
Test 2: grammar test (filling and transformation exercises), 45 min.
Test 3: reading comprehension of a journalistic (or related) text with open-ended questions, 30 min; with monolingual dictionary;
Test 4: written expression (writing a short text of at least 150 words from a picture and some predetermined vocabulary), 90 min; with monolingual dictionary.
Students will be offered the opportunity to take Tests 2 and 4 in itinere.
Tests 1 and 3 are offered ONLY during the regular exam sessions, while Tests 2 and 4 can be taken either in itinere or in the regular exam sessions.
To access the in-progress tests, it is necessary to have handed in for correction to the CELs the mock exams that will be offered in class during the exercises. The mock exams can be delivered by hand on the day the mock will be given, or by e-mail/upload to Moodle according to the directions and deadlines set by the CELs.
Test 1 is specific to class 1 (Prof. Cognola), while tests 2-4 are common to both classes.
The results of individual exam papers (either in itinere or during the regulal sessionn) remain valid for other appeals in the same academic year. As long as all parts are not passed, the student must re-register for the exam in order to take the missing part. If the student does not pass all parts of the exam by the January roll call, the results achieved up to that time will be cancelled.
In calculating the overall grade for German Language 1, individual tests enter with the following weights: test 1 =60%, test 2 = 10%, test 3 = 10%, test 4 = 20%.