Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0870 (AF:517298 AR:292396)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 2
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course provides students with a good degree of knowledge of the main dynamics of the modern international history. It therefore provides students with the basic elements of knowledge of the methods of historical research and of the main categories for the interpretation of the global history, as well as with the knowledge of the fundamental facts concerning processes such as the ecologic revolutions, the birth of global networks, the relation between States, Empires and colonies, violence and war, social organizations, scientific knowledge and religions, the transformation of cultural communication versus multimedial systems.

The course contributes to the acquisition by the students of the ability to articulate a coherent historical picture of the events that gave rise to the development of the modern world, with an emphasis on their international dimension. It contributes to the acquisition by the students of the ability to consciously employ the main historiographical categories of modernity and to initiate autonomous studies on historical subjects, also in relation to the topic of their thesis.
At the end of the course, and through the careful study of the suggested reading materials, students will have acquired a good degree of knowledge of the main dynamics of the modern international history and of the methods of historical inquiry connected to them. In particular, students will have acquired:

a) a good degree of knowledge of the main facts, protagonists and processes of modern history, with basic references to the international relations of the period (conflicts, cooperation, exchanges);
b) a good degree of knowledge of the main interpretative schools relating to the global historical processes;
c) a good basis of knowledge to formulate autonomous judgements on the main facts and processes of the modern history;
d) the fundamental methodological tools for the organization of autonomous research paths in the field of modern history;
e) a good level of linguistic competence aimed at the communication of ideas about modern history.
The course assumes that students possess a basic degree of knowledge of Modern and Contemporary History, as from High School programs
Basic notions about international history: the idea of modernity; ecological revolutions; commerce and global networks; States, empires and colonies; interstate politics in Europe and the global expansion of the European empires; violence and war; social and religious differences; networks of communication and multimedia systems; spatial history and cartography of time.
1) "Introduzione alla storia moderna", a cura di Marco Bellabarba e Vincenzo Lavenia, Bologna, il Mulino, 2023 disponibile anche su Pandoracampus ( )

2) "Mappe del tempo. La storia e le altre scienze moderne", di Antonio Trampus, Milano, Unicopli, 2021
Individual oral exams will have an average duration of 30 minutes about and will be held.

The oral exam consists of three questions (plus possible punctual requests for more information) focusing on topics covered in the program. It aims at verifying the students' preparation, their ability to communicate their knowledge (completeness, synthesis, consistency, clarity, precision), as well as their ability to link together, where relevant, different themes of international modern history.

In carrying out the exam the student must demonstrate a) to be able to give a coherent historical picture of the historical events; b) to know how to properly frame the origins and dynamics of the main international historical processes; c) to be able to conduct original reflections on the topics of the course; d) to be able to use the appropriate language for the communication of the answers to the exam's questions.
Frontal lectures, powerpoint; active history instruments, Moodle. Questions and critical comments in class are warmly welcome

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/10/2024