Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI021 (AF:516351 AR:290415)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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As part of the characterizing activity of the curriculum of European, American and Postcolonial Languages ​​and Literatures - Literatures and Cultures, the course aims to provide students with a general knowledge of the historical-cultural context and of the study of 20th century Spanish literature, taking as an element of continuity the work and figure of Vicente Aleixandre, poet of the Generation of 27 and Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1977. This is a personality who, with his teaching, had a central role in the development of the literary debate of the second half of the last century and which also has reverberations in the contemporary literary world. Furthermore, the course aims to provide critical and methodological tools, aimed at acquiring the ability to understand and analyze texts, works and intellectual networks that encourage independent judgement. Lessons, reading, text analysis and exams will take place in Spanish, with the aim of consolidating understanding and communication skills in an appropriate language.
At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they know:
- the outlines of the literary history of Spain, with particular attention to the 20th and 21st centuries;
- the fundamental critical notions for the analysis of texts, works and intellectual networks;
- development of independent judgment in the interpretation of theses and ability to re-elaborate bibliographic sources;
- independent learning skills that allow you to apply the knowledge acquired to study texts.
Excellent knowledge of Spanish language, and knowledge of twentieth century Spanish history and literature; analytical skills to perform critical commentary of literary texts.
Vicente Aleixandre (1898-1984), poet of the Generation of 27 and Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1977, was at the center of a network of literary and cultural relationships that fueled the debate on the language of Spanish poetry throughout the 20th century. From his home in Calle Velintonia 3 and with a literary production that extends for half a century, from the 1920s to the 1970s, Aleixandre is also a bridging figure between the literature of Republican Spain and the post-war period. If it is known that the other poets of his generation frequented his home before the civil conflict, it is equally important to remember how, not without difficulty due to the political climate, from his "inner exile", Aleixandre kept contacts alive, both epistolary and both in the presence, with at least two other poetic generations, that of 50 and that of the so-called poets novísimos. The influence of Vicente Aleixandre's poetry, although not as striking as that of his other generation companions, was very important and is still alive in contemporary times, serving as an inspiration for other authors and literary works that continue in dialogue with his teaching.
Reference texts:
- Vicente Aleixandre, Poesía completa. Edición de Alejandro Sanz. Barcelona, 2020.
or alternatively,
- Vicente Aleixandre, Poesías completas. Edición de Alejandro Duque Amusco. Madrid, 2001.

Further teaching materials and texts will be made available online during the course.

Texts for the study:
- Arlandis López, Sergio, Vicente Aleixandre, Síntesis, Madrid, 2004.
- Bousoño, Carlos, La poesía de Vicente Aleixandre: imagen, estilo, mundo poético, prólogo de Dámaso Alonso, Ínsula, Madrid, 1950; [edición revisada y aumentada], Gredos, Madrid, 1977.
- Calderón, Emilio. La memoria de un hombre está en sus besos. Vicente Aleixandre. Biografía. Barcelona, Stella Maris, 2016.
- Cano, José Luis, Los cuadernos de Velintonia: conversaciones con Vicente Aleixandre, Seix Barral, Barcelona, 1986.
- Cano, José Luis, Los cuadernos de Velintonia. Conversaciones con Vicente Aleixandre, Barcelona, Seix Barral, 1986.
- Colinas, Antonio, Conocer Vicente Aleixandre y su obra, Dopesa, Barcelona, 1977.
- Díez de Revenga, Francisco Javier, La poesía de Vicente Aleixandre: testimonio y conciencia, Centro Cultural Generación del 27, Málaga, 1999.
- García, Miguel Ángel, Vicente Aleixandre, la poesía y la historia, Comares, Albolote (Granada), 2001.
- Granados, Vicente, La poesía de Vicente Aleixandre: (Formación y evolución), Cupsa, Madrid, 1977.
- Jiménez, José Olivio, Vicente Aleixandre: una aventura hacia el conocimiento, Júcar, Madrid, 1982.
- Luis, Leopoldo de, Vida y obra de Vicente Aleixandre, Espasa-Calpe, Madrid, 1978.
- Morelli, Gabriele, Linguaggio poetico del primo Aleixandre, Milán, Cisalpino-Goliardica, 1972.
- Mistrorigo, Alessandro, “Diálogos del conocimiento” de Vicente Aleixandre. La potencia de la palabra poética. Siviglia, Renacimiento, 2015
- Novo Villaverde, Yolanda, Vicente Aleixandre, poeta surrealista, Secretariado de Publicaciones, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, 1980.
- Pittarello, Elide, “«Espadas como labios» di Vicente Aleixandre: Prospettive", Roma, Bulzoni, 1984.
- Puccini, Dario, La palabra poética de Vicente Aleixandre, Barcelona, Ariel, 1979.

Further theoretical texts will be made available online during the course.
Verification of learning takes place through an oral test in Spanish and consists of an interview which aims to ascertain the general knowledge and text analysis skills acquired during the course.
In addition to the final oral exam, to pass the course the following are required:
- constant and active participation in lessons.
- the presentation of one of the course themes in class.
Frontal lesson in Spanish. The course will combine theoretical and practical lessons: in addition to the teacher's lessons, the student will have to prepare the compulsory and supplementary readings to critically discuss them during the lessons. Some texts and other critical materials will be available on the University's Moodle platform.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/07/2024