Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4066 (AF:514846 AR:289209)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course provides students, together with the other subjects of tax law, private/public commercial law, with a more complete set of knowledge in legal matters. moreover, even for those who will not carry out a career as entrepreneurs or professionals, the criminal legal matrix of environmental law and occupational safety remains indispensable for assuming any kind of activity or management with an adequate sense of responsibility.
Students, at the end and also during the course, will be able to demonstrate that they have understood what are the criminal responsibilities from the fundamental rules aimed at guaranteeing occupational safety, well-being and health in the workplace as well as those deriving from environmental protection rules and IT security. An objective of the course is therefore to make students aware of the terms and limits in which these responsibilities are attributable to the company and/or entrepreneur, distinguishing between the roles that the Regulation assigns to all the subjects identified in the within business organisations. Students will also have the opportunity to study the contents of the DVR - Risk assessment document and the safety organization chart.
The principles according to which the company is socially responsible towards third parties and towards the environment are a key element for anyone wishing to undertake a career in the private sector as well as in the public sector; these principles are what the student can internalize by attending this course, drawing a direct benefit also for his own individual ethics.
The student must have been able to take law exams during his/her course of study.
The course in environmental, labor and IT security criminal law can in fact complete the student's training to complete and support the knowledge that primary criminal law can provide, alongside that of commercial, private and public and tax law.
Principles of the criminal law system are provided, starting from the constitutional norms. Particular importance will be given to occupational safety regulations and their ethical, economic and environmental relevance within the context of constitutional principles; the contents of the course, clearly outlined in the chosen text, as well as in the rules that can be consulted, will be concentrated on the regulatory bodies that govern environmental and IT security issues, also showing practical cases or documents useful for understanding the declination of the regulations at the within corporate organizations. the principles of the circular economy and sustainability will also be recalled, according to the European directives, in derivation of their declination in the Italian regulatory body.
Criminal and work environment law and computer security - S. Pinelli - latest edition
Law Decree. 81/08 and subsequent amendments
NIS directives for information security.
During the course, a few hours will be dedicated to moments of oral verification of the understanding of what has been studied in depth. At the end of the course, an outline will be provided for a written test which can be followed by an oral exam, if the student wants to improve the evaluation received.
The rules of criminal law are also characterized by references to natural law, to the philosophy of law, to Italian constitutional law; this is the reason why, short and frequent checks will be carried out during the course.
At the end of each lesson, students will be asked to summarize what they have received by main points.
At the end of an in-depth study, oral or simulated summaries of the problems to be addressed in line with the subjects studied will be requested.
External subjects capable of providing specific experience and training on topics of the course, in a specialized form, may be a source of testimony, in order to memorize the relevance of general and criminal legal principles.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 17/09/2024