Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM6061 (AF:514317 AR:288526)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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After introducing the competitive scenarios within which companies operate, with particular regard to the management of labour relations, the course will focus on an in-depth examination of the relevant legal institutions, used to achieve the objectives resulting from the needs of the company and workers.
The course is characterised by a pragmatic and case-based approach, useful for students addressing a dynamic and non-traditional labour market, such as the one now established in our country. In this sense, the legal institutes will be analysed according to the interpretation of case law and the implementation of collective bargaining; in addition, the most important labour law innovations will be examined in-depth, such as the Jobs Act reform, the problems and opportunities of digital work, agile or smart working, and the most important renewals of national collective bargaining. The course includes a series of operational meetings at the end of and during the lessons.
Attendance and active participation in the training activities offered by the course and individual study will enable students to
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.1. acquire the fundamental institutes of labour law.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
2.1. know how to orientate oneself in today's complex labour market, both as a worker and as a company manager.
3. Ability to judge
3.2. as an employee, to be able to assess one's own set of rights and obligations; as an employer, to be able to assess the opportunities offered by the system in the management of the labour factor and also to be aware of the limits imposed by the same system.
The course assumes the knowledge of private law.
The course will address, with an advanced and in-depth approach, the following topics: sources of labour and trade union law; workers' statute and profiles of trade union law and industrial relations; collective bargaining; constitution of the employment relationship, powers and obligations of the contractual parties; the new remuneration systems linked to the company's economic performance and workers' participation as well as corporate welfare; the most common types of contract; forms of company outsourcing; dismissals; guarantees of workers' rights.
Considering that students of the Business Administration degree may have attended the Labour Law course, the topics will be tackled with a detailed and case-based approach through practical exercises, case law issues, analysis of national and corporate collective bargaining, meeting with HR and trade union representatives. The aim is to enable students to fully understand the legal dynamics underlying business life. Special attention will be given to new and recent topics such as digital work, agile or smart working, and minimum wage.
A. Occhino, G. Zilio Grandi, Diritto del lavoro, Giappichelli, 2023.
For further insights, G. Zilio Grandi, M. Biasi, Commentario breve alle riforme Jobs Act, Cedam, 2015; ID., Commentario breve al lavoro autonomo e al lavoro agile, Cedam 2017; G. Zilio Grandi, Commentario al CCNL metalmeccanici 5 febbraio 2021, Giappichelli, 2021; monographic works on the topics covered in lectures and addressed by external speakers.
Learning will be assessed through an oral examination on the main institutes of the subject and also on actual case studies proposed to the student (70%), as well as on the discussion of any individual or group thematic in-depth studies carried out (30%). Since they are NOT compulsory, in their absence the assessment will be 100% on the basis of knowledge of the topics covered during the course and correct presentation.
The teaching is organised into a) lectures accompanied by teaching material available on the university's e-learning platform; b) in-depth thematic studies to be analysed, discussed and presented by small groups in the classroom (for attending students); c) in-depth individual thematic studies on topics chosen by the student himself, to be presented during the oral exam (for non-attending students)

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2024