- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0440 (AF:513785 AR:286802)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Subdivision
- Class 1
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- BIO/05
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
• Understanding of the phylogenetic relationships and systematic positions of plant and animal species
• Understanding of the evolution of body plans, morphology and organic systems in the main plant and animal groups
• Understanding of taxonomic approaches and methodologies, based on the use of dichotomous keys
2. Ability to apply knowledge:
• Ability to use optical instruments, such as stereoscopes and microscopes
• Applying zoological and botanical knowledge in morphology, systematics and taxonomy to identify organisms
• Ability to work on phenotypic traits to identify and discriminate the main groups of organism at the level of the different systematic categories
• Interpretation of phylogenetic trees, with a cladistic approach
3. Judgement skills
• Skills to use approaches and methods useful to discriminate and classify living organisms in biological communities
Main characters and traits, diversity and phylogeny of the main animal groups.
Practice of microscopy, with vision of moss and plankton samples and identification of the organisms found.
Molluscs: general characteristics and identification exercises on bivalves and gastropods.
Arthropods: general characteristics and monographic exercise on crustaceans.
Fish: general characteristics and identification exercises.
Tetrapods: tricology exercise
Cladistics: construction of a cladogram
Plant biodiversity:
General characteristics, diversity and principles of systematics of the main groups of plant organisms: Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymnospermae and Angiospermae.
Vegetative and reproductive traits: Analysis of the distinguishing features and their functions.
Characteristics of the main Angiosperm families: Rosaceae, Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Lamiaceae, Fabaceae, Asteraceae and Poaceae.
Use of dichotomous keys for the identification of vascular plants.
Referral texts
Casiraghi M., De Eguileor M, Cerrano C., Puce S. Zoologia. II Ed. Utet, 2023.
Pasqua G., Abbate G., Forni C., Botanica generale e Diversità vegetale, 2015, Piccin 3 Ed., Padova.
Assessment methods
The verification of learning will be assessed by means of a written test, based on three questions. These questions consist of three zoological tables or illustrations, to be completed and commented in a default space. In the default space students should describe the main traits characterising the zoological taxon reported in the figure. The test should be completed within two hours.
Plant biodiversity:
The assessment of learning takes place through an oral examination. To be eligible for the oral exam, students must submit a herbarium with 10 specimens from at least 5 different plant families. The examination will focus on the description of the characteristics of the submitted specimens and will include direct questions to assess the course content.
Teaching methods
During the practical part, students will be organised in work pairs. Each pair will be assigned the samples and the exercise to be conducted within that particular lecture. Each pair will be followed by the teacher and the tutors during the conduction of the lab exercise. Each exercise should produce a brief report of the results obtained during each lab exercise.
Teaching language
Type of exam
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development