Academic year
2025/2026 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0544 (AF:512695 AR:325746)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
The course is included among the exams characterizing the archaeological area of ​​the degree in Conservation and Management of Cultural Heritage and Activities and is indicated for the second year of studies.
The course aims to provide a knowledge base on maritime archeology (theory and history of studies), on the circulation of goods in the Mediterranean, from the Late Bronze Age to the Middle Ages, through the study of wreck loads, on the construction and the use of maritime installations (ports, arsenals, fishponds, etc.) and on ancient naval construction. It also intends to provide basic methodological tools for the archaeological analysis of the maritime heritage and notions on the technique of underwater archaeological research, on the problems of operation in the various work environments, on the formation of the underwater archaeological record and on wet wood treatment.
1. Knowledge and understanding.
- awareness of the main problems of research and protection in the maritime archeology sector, of the prospects for valorising the maritime cultural heritage and of the methodology and techniques applied in this sector.
– knowledge of the contribution given by the study of shipwrecks to the reconstruction of trade dynamics from the Bronze Age to the Middle Ages;
- basic knowledge of ancient and medieval shipbuilding.
- basic knowledge of port facilities and maritime infrastructural organization in the ancient and medieval world.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
- knowing how to apply the methodology and techniques of maritime archeology for research, protection and enhancement purposes.
3. Judgment skills
- know how to consciously apply the most appropriate methodology and techniques according to the type of research, protection intervention or enhancement activity, both in an underwater environment and in a terrestrial environment and be able to grasp the most significant aspects of the archaeological evidence maritime contextualizing it in its historical panorama.
Basics of history of the Mediterranean
Disciplinary definition; archaeological, written and iconographic sources; history of studies; commercial dynamics in the Mediterranean through the study of shipwrecks from the Late Bronze Age to the Middle Ages; hints of shipbuilding, in the Mediterranean; ports and maritime infrastructures in the ancient and medieval world; method and techniques of underwater archaeological research; operational problems in the various work environments; formation processes of the submerged archaeological record.
Basilar books:
1. Carlo Beltrame, 2012, Archeologia marittima del Mediterraneo. Navi, merci e porti dall'antichità all'età moderna, Carocci ed., Roma (escluso da p. 205 a p. 250).
2. Enrico Felici, 2002, Archeologia subacquea. Metodi, tecniche e strumenti, Libreria dello Stato, Roma (ma saltare le pagine 45-64, 105-119, 265-202, 315-...).
3. Beltrame, C. e Costa, E., 2018, Tecniche di rilievo e modellazione tridimensionale in diversi contesti archeologici subacquei, L'Archeologo subacqueo, 67, 13-21.

Other books: Pomey, P., a cura di, 1997, La Navigation dans l’Antiquitè, Edisud, Saint Remy de Provence.

Students unable to attend the course are advised to integrate the study of the exam literature with good notes or, alternatively, to contact the teacher for alternative literature.
Oral exam on the program pf the course. Three-four questions for about 30 minutes on the program of the course
Regarding the grading scale for the oral exam:

A. Scores in the range of 18-22 will be assigned for: sufficient knowledge of the textbooks and related topics; Sufficient knowledge of the archaeological terms.

B. Scores in the range of 23-26 will be assigned for: Fair knowledge of the textbooks and related topics. Fair knowledge of the archaeological terms.

C. Scores in the range of 27-30 will be assigned for: Good or excellent knowledge of the textbooks and related topics. Good or excellent knowledge of the archaeological terms.

D. The “laude” will be awarded to students with excellent knowledge and comprehension of the textbooks and related topics and excellent knowledge of the archaeological terms.
Traditional lectures also with possible hosts
Students interested in participating in the professor's research activities, not necessarily underwater, can contact him.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/03/2025