Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0134 (AF:512565 AR:292384)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course aims to give a knowledge on some particular studies of research methodology of History of Art.
Deepen the study of some aspects of the methodology of historical and artistic research, in particular:
- The connoisseurship
- Art forgery
Basic knowledge of modern art history.
1) The Moodle materials (pdf of the lessons); lectures
- Origin and development of the Connoisseurship, definition of the connoisseur and his role in the history of art
- A focus on the figure of the Connoisseur in 19th and 20th century literature
- The tecniques of art forgers, the main cases of forgery in art, with the related implications of method

Professor will provide specific bibliographic information during the course
- W. Friedlander, Il conoscitore d'arte, Torino 1955
- Noah Charney, L'arte del falso, Johan & Levi 2020
- C. Blair, Un intrigo di falsi d'arte e false identità, in C. Blair, M. Campbell, Marcy. Oggetti d'arte della Galleria Parmeggiani di Reggio Emilia, Torino, Allemandi, 2008, pp. 11-46.

- Lectures

Reccomended reading to learn more:
- O. Rossi Pinelli, La disciplina si consolida e si specializza, in La Storia delle storie dell'arte, a cura di O. Rossi Pinelli, Torino, Einaudi, varie edizioni, pp. 320-397
- O. Kurz, Falsi a falsari, Vicenza 1961 (ed edizioni successive), parte I (la pittura, pp, 11-108); parte IV (disegni, pp. 133-144)
Oral examination on lecture notes and bibliography, consisting of specific questions on bibliography and open questions for comparison and reconsideration of the concepts learned during the course.

Regarding the grading scale for the oral exam:

A. Scores in the range of 18-22 will be assigned for:
Sufficient knowledge of the textbooks and related topics
Limited ability to use data and form independent judgments
Sufficient communication skills.

B. Scores in the range of 23-26 will be assigned for:
Fair knowledge of the textbooks and related topics
Fair ability to use data and form independent judgments
Fair communication skills.

C. Scores in the range of 27-30 will be assigned for:
Good or excellent knowledge of the textbooks and related topics
Good or excellent ability to use data and form independent judgments
Fully appropriate communication skills.

D. The “laude” will be awarded to students with excellent knowledge and comprehension of the textbooks and related topics.
Lectures with projected images; examination of original materials (drawings) in the classroom; exercises for recognizing artistic styles.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 02/01/2025