Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM3E20 (AF:512372 AR:288140)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
The course contributes to the overall objectives of the program by providing conceptual and interpretative tools for specialized knowledge of the audiovisual field.
Upon successful completion, students will know how contemporary televisual forms situate within the audiovisual sector and will be able to relate them to the dynamics that characterise this part of the cultural industry. Students will be able to frame contemporary tele-/audiovisual forms employing the categories developed within the disciplines of Media Studies. Additionally, students will be able to develop critical thinking, so as to be able to recognise the logics and processes regulating contemporary audiovisual formats, texts or platforms.
Content-wise, no entry requirement is requested.
The course aims to provide basic concepts on seriality, from an awareness of both the main narrative mechanisms and the production-distribution, cultural and social contexts. While the first moment will be
devoted to investigating the main historical stages and the most important theoretical approaches related to the relationship between seriality and cultural industries, the second one will focus on the panorama of contemporary extended narration - from comics to television productions, from role-playing games to video clips- as an ecosystem based on transmediality and media convergence. In this second part is planned a mapping of the keywords of serial narration: characters; fandom; interactivity; applicability and consumer strategies.
Students coming to classes must study the readings distributed on a weekly basis.

Per gli studenti frequentanti, l'esame consta nella verifica –colloquio orale– dei contenuti affrontati in classe (60% del voto d'esame) e della presentazione di un progetto (individuale o di coppia) da realizzarsi secondo le modalità che verranno introdotte dal docente a lezione (40% del voto d'esame).

Gli studenti non frequentanti sosterranno un esame orale a partire dallo studio di:

- M. Scaglioni, A. Sfardini (a cura di), La televisione.Modelli teorici e percorsi d'indagine, Carocci, Roma 2017.
- J. Mittell, Complex tv. Teoria e tecnica dello storytelling delle serie tv, minimum fax, Roma 2017.
- L. Barra, La programmazione televisiva. Palinsesto e on demand, Laterza, Roma 2022.
Inoltre, lo studio di due saggi a scelta da:
- G. Pescatore (a cura di), Ecosistemi narrativi, Carocci, Roma 2018.

Verrà accertata in entrambi i casi la capacità critica di problematizzare i concetti appresi.
In caso di interessi personali ad approfondire tematiche specifiche o dubbi relativamente il programma d'esame, contattare il docente.
The lectures will be accompanied by the viewing of audiovisual materials, which will be analysed. Students will be invited to take part in the classroom discussion by proposing individual and/or group analyses.
Seminar activities will be organised with scholars or professionals in the field of television seriality.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Cities, infrastructure and social capital" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/04/2024