- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0607 (AF:510748 AR:285300)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-ANT/10
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Where
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Esso intende offrire agli studenti un quadro dell’evoluzione della costruzione navale dalle origini all’età moderna, con un occhio alle tecniche costruttive in legno “tradizionali” contemporanee, nel Mediterraneo.
Introduce alle caratteristiche e alle problematiche della navigazione, anche nelle acque interne, nel mondo antico e post-antico attraverso l’analisi delle fonti tradizionali, della fonte materiale e del confronto etnografico.
Analizza le tecniche per la documentazione degli scafi di relitti sia sul campo (in contesto subacqueo e di terra) sia in laboratorio e per la ricostruzione ipotetica delle imbarcazioni dai resti archeologici e dell’iconografia, affronta i temi del restauro e della musealizzazione in ambito navale e della esposizione di relitti di scafi nonché dell’archeologia sperimentale applicata all’ambito navale.
L'insegnamento fa parte del percorso tematico dedicato all'archeologia costiera e delle comunità marittime e lagunari ( ).
Expected learning outcomes
- Awareness of the main problematics of the research and of the safeguard in the field of the nautical archaeology and history, of the possibilities of valorization of the nautical cultural heritage and of the methodology and of the techniques applied in this field.
- knowledge of the general lines about the evolution of the ship-construction from the Prehistory to the Late Middle Age.
- basic knowledge of the ancient and Medieval nautical techniques.
2. Ability to apply knowledges and understanding.
- to be able to apply the methodology and the techniques of the nautical archaeology for the research, safeguard and valorization.
3. Judgement
- to be able to consciously apply the more suitable methodology and techniques according to the type of research, of action of safeguard or of activity of valorization, both in underwater environment and in land environment, and to be able to understand the more important aspects of the nautical archaeological evidence contextualizing it in its historical panorama.
Referral texts
1. Carlo Beltrame, 2012, Archeologia marittima del Mediterraneo. Navi, merci e porti dall'antichità all'età moderna, Roma.
ONLY to integrate the iconographical apparatus: R. Steffy, 1994, Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks, College Station, pp. 23-100 or P. Pomey, E. Rieth, 2005, L'archeologie navale, Paris.
2. S. Medas, 2022, Nautica antica. Itinerari nel mondo della navigazione tra storia, archeologia ed etnografia, Roma (solo fino a p. 96). Oppure Arnaud, P., 2020, Les routes de la navigation antique. Itinéraires en Méditerranée et Mer Noire, Parigi o ancora Arnaud, P., 2005, Les routes de la navigation antique. Itinéraires en Méditerranée, Parigi.
C. Beltrame, 2004, Vita a bordo delle navi in età romana , Lezioni Fabio Faccenna. Conferenze di archeologia subacquea (III-V ciclo), Bari, EDIPUGLIA, pp. 25-33.
3. R. Gardiner, a cura di, 1994, Cogs, Caravales and Galleons, Londra (solo pp. 77-90).
Lane, F.C., 1983, Le navi di Venezia, Milano (solo 3-23 e 150-169).
Students who can not attend the lectures are invited to complete the study of the books with some goods notes or, in alternative, with the following literature:
Literature for eventual detailed study:
- C. Beltrame, 2002, Le sutiles naves romane lungo il litorale alto Adriatico. Nuove testimonianze e considerazioni tecnologiche , Archeologia subacquea. Studi, ricerche e documenti, Roma, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, vol. 3, pp. 353-379.
- C. Beltrame, 2017, Documentare in archeologia navale, Archeologia Subacquea. QUADERNI DELLA SCUOLA INTERDISCIPLINARE DELLE METODOLOGIE ARCHEOLOGICHE (SIMA), 3, Istituto di Studi Liguri, vol. 3, pp. 159-174.
- R. Steffy, 1994, Wooden Ship Building and the Interpretation of Shipwrecks, College Station, pp. 189-234.
- C. Beltrame, M. Morin, 2014, I cannoni di Venezia. Artiglierie della Serenissima da fortezze e relitti, Firenze.
- J. Adams, A Marittime Archaeology of Ships, Oxford, pp. 1-51.
Erasmus students can request from the professor a literature in English language.
Assessment methods
Foreign students can ask to be interviewed in English.
Type of exam
Grading scale
A. Scores in the range of 18-22 will be assigned for: sufficient knowledge of the textbooks and related topics; Sufficient knowledge of the archaeological terms.
B. Scores in the range of 23-26 will be assigned for: Fair knowledge of the textbooks and related topics. Fair knowledge of the archaeological terms.
C. Scores in the range of 27-30 will be assigned for: Good or excellent knowledge of the textbooks and related topics. Good or excellent knowledge of the archaeological terms.
D. The “laude” will be awarded to students with excellent knowledge and comprehension of the textbooks and related topics and excellent knowledge of the archaeological terms.
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
For this information the student can ask the professor during the office hours or he can contact him to the e-mail address.
The attendance of the course is strongly suggested at least for the methodological part.
An agreement between the Rari Nantes diving club and the Atheneum allows discounts on the cost of the courses to take a diving license.