Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0565 (AF:509016 AR:291518)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
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The course provides elements of literary history, philology and Italian and dialectal linguistics. Starting from the Novellino and continuing through Boccaccio's masterpiece and its offshoots in the short stories of the late fourteenth century, the course will examine some realistic markers coinciding with alloglot inlays and other dialectal presences within the texts taken into consideration. An overview of the first philological studies conducted on the Decameron text in late sixteenth-century Florence will also be offered.
Knowledge of ancient texts in relation to the cultural coordinates of specific literary moments. Understanding of texts in relation to their historical context and knowledge of some specific aspects of their tradition.
Overall knowledge of the historical development of Italian literary culture, especially in relation to the periods taken into consideration
The short story genre in its development, before and after the 'Decameron', with particular attention to the linguistic aspects inspired by dialectal dialects. The incoming, in Florence, of a philology applied on ancient vernacular texts in late Renaissance Florence. Short narrative texts included in repertoires of Latin "exempla" for preaching, European medieval chronicle texts will be examined
'Il Novellino'. Edizione critica a cura di Alberto Conte, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 200

Giovanni Boccaccio, 'Decameron'. Edizione con commento a cura di Vittore Branca, Torino, Einaudi, 19

Giovanni Boccaccio, 'Decameron', A cura di Amedeo Quondam, Maurizio Fiorilla e Giancarlo Alfano, Milano, Rizzoli, 2013.

Franco Sacchetti, Il Trecentonovelle A cura di Davide Puccini, Torino, Utet, 2008.

Vittore Branca, Giovanni Boccaccio. Profilo biografico, Firenze, Sansoni, 1977.

Giuseppe Chiecchi, Dolcemente dissimulando. Cartelle laurenziane e 'Decameron' censurato, Padova, Antenore, 1992.

Lectura Boccaccii turicensis. Introduzione al 'Decameron'. A cura di Michelangelo Picone e margherita Mesirca, Firenze, Cesati, 2004.

Lucia Battaglia Ricci, Scrivere un libro di novelle.Giovanni Boccaccio autore, lettore, editore, Ravenna, Longo, 2013.

Davide Cappi - Paolo Pellegrini, Prolegomena a una nuova edizione del «Trecentonovelle» di Franco Sacchetti, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2019.
The final exam will consist of an oral test in which the candidates will confirm the learning of the program carried out in class.

A. scores in the 18-22 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- sufficient knowledge and ability to understand applied in relation to the programme;
- limited ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- sufficient communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language relating to
economic functioning of public services;
B. scores in the 23-26 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- reasonable knowledge and ability to understand applied in relation to the programme;
- reasonable ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- moderate communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language relating to
economic functioning of public services;
C. scores in the 27-30 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- good or excellent knowledge and ability to understand applied in relation to the programme;
- good or excellent ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- fully appropriate communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language which
concerns the economic functioning of public services.
D. praise will be awarded in the presence of knowledge and ability to understand applied in reference to
program, judgment and communication skills, excellent.
Frontal lesson with exam of texts.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/09/2024