Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0593 (AF:509007 AR:291508)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
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The "Workshop" is addressed to students of the 2nd cycle degree courses. It is proposed both as an in-depth study on contemporary Italian literature and as a professionalizing laboratory of literary communication.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- Know how to deal with methodologically updated literary and theoretical texts. To have a knowledge of the terminology related to the central problems of modern and contemporary literature, also in relation to the work already underway by the graduating students.
- Understand the meanings implicated in the act of reading, also as a cognitive practice of the literary and extra-literary field.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding.
- Use the key terms of the discipline correctly. Know how to apply the acquired knowledge to understand the peculiarities of the literary text compared to the other linguistic and non-linguistic codes.

3.Judgment skills.
- Acquire awareness of the meaning and the pragmatic value of reading. Knowing how to formulate and argue as coherently learned, also demonstrating to have gained an independent evaluation with respect to the contents transmitted.

4.Communication skills
Develop an approach both explanatory and interpretive, interacting with the recipient, real or virtual, to achieve a mature and autonomous awareness, attentive to the pragmatics of communication, not just literary.
Nobody. A broad aptitude for reading and good communication skills are appreciated.
The course aims to teach reading recent novels, select positive and negative aspects also for the purpose of communicating to readers, and finally helps the student to test himself through a classroom exposure. Positive and negative opinions on the same novel will be compared to verify its value among other students. It will be possible, if the technical skills are available, to make short videos on novels.
Mandatory texts:

G. Simonetti, Caccia allo Strega. Anatomia di un premio letterario, nottetempo, 2023
Wu Ming, New Italian Epic, Einaudi, 2009

Each student must choose a novel from the following list:

M. Covacich, L'avventura terrestre, La Nave di Teseo 2023
T. Scarpa, La verità e la biro, Einaudi 2023
R. Bugaro, I ragazzi di sessant'anni, Einaudi 2023
V. Durante, L'abbandono, La nave di Teseo, 2024
A. Pascale, La foglia di fico, Einaudi 2021
A. Moresco, Canto degli alberi, Aboca 2020
L. Pugno, Noi senza mondo, Marsilio 2024

Other works will be reported later.

The grade will consist of 50% of the presentation in the classroom (/and / or the making of the video) and 50% of the oral one about the mandatory texts.
Seminar and frontal lessons.
Attendance is strongly recommended.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 04/09/2024