Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0009 (AF:508678 AR:285084)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Title: “The felt space. Dimensions of living between anthropology, literature and art"

Monographic course. The teaching is part of the fundamental teachings of the demo-ethno-anthropological disciplines.
The social sciences and in particular anthropology have therefore launched a new overall analysis on the meaning of living, on the essential value of the house in every form of humanity, in any cultural context. The course deals with the main authors and theories of anthropology of living in an advanced way. Through concrete examples of the analysis of domestic spaces in various parts of the world and with an interdisciplinary approach in which anthropology dialogues with literature, architecture and the arts, the course reflects on the dimensions of living: social history, feminist anthropology, post-colonial studies, critical gender theory have recently highlighted how the house with its geography of objects, internal spaces and social practices is a complex crossroads of emotions, powers, identities, conflicts, forms of sociality, politics and aesthetics.
Critical knowledge of the main authors, theories and methods of anthropology of the domestic space. Ability to concretely apply the main contemporary approaches to the ethnographic analysis of a house in any socio-cultural context. Ability to effectively communicate cultural anthropology with the arts, in particular literature and the visual arts.
It is essential to have a solid basic knowledge of cultural and social anthropology, and of the history of anthropology. Non-ACEL students, or students enrolled in other Master's Degree courses who have never taken any anthropological science exam, are asked to personally contact the teacher during office hours or during class.
Living, building, thinking: concepts of "home". Elements of the history of classical anthropology studies of the domestic space. The turning point of theories of practice and approaches to social production. Contemporary perspectives of anthropology of living. The concept of home weighing. Anthropology and Atmospheres. Home and home-making processes: home, sensoriality and the social construction of emotions. Domestic spaces and the social life of objects. The crisis of the bourgeois home. Anthropology of unhomeliness. Living in contexts of poverty and urban marginalization. Suburbs. Self-constructions. The right to housing. The house and the spaces of dying. The nursing home, residential communities and total social spaces.

During the course, three practical exercises will be assigned to be carried out in the area (individually or in groups) and to be discussed in the classroom in three specifically dedicated lessons.
Mandatory texts for all students:

1) Ligi G., "Lo spazio vissuto. Dimensioni dell'abitare fra antropologia, letteratura e arti", in preparazione.
Se il volume non dovesse essere stato pubblicato per l'inizio del corso, va sostituito con: Meloni P., "Culture domestiche. Saggi interdisciplinari", "Lares" 2014 - disponibile su Jstor a questo link:

2) a book chosen from the following:

- Ligi G., "La casa saami. Antropologia dello spazio domestico in Lapponia", Il Segnalibro, 2003 (per questo testo rivolgersi al docente).
- Bourdieu P., "La casa kabyle o il mondo rovesciato", in "Per una teoria della pratica", Raffaello Cortina, 2000 (parti da concordare).
- Cieraad I., "At Home. An Anthropology of Domestic Space", Syracuse Univ. Press, 1999.
- Gorman-Murray A., "Queer interior", Routledge, 2019.
- Pink S., "Making Homes", Routledge, 2017.
- Dowling R., Blunt A., "Home", Routledge, 2022 (ultima edizione).
- Bahun S., Petric B., "Thinking Home. Interdisciplinary Dialogues", Routledge, 2018.
- AA.VV., "Elementi di antropologia dell'abitare", raccolta antologica di saggi (rivolgersi al docente).

Particular routes:

- point 1: mandatory for all

- point 2: students of the Degree Course in Nordic Languages and Literatures can agree on a specific program also consisting of literary or historical-cultural texts in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, on the topic of domestic space, and / or integrate with:

- Bille M., "Homely Atmospheres and lighting technologies in Denmark", Routledge, 2021.
- Ligi G., "La casa saami. Antropologia dello spazio domestico in Lapponia", Il Segnalibro, 2003.
- Ligi G., "Lapponia. Antropologia e storia di un paesaggio", Unicopli, 2016.
- Ruong I., "Samerna. I historien och nutid", Bonnier-Fakta, 1991.
- Norberg-Schultz, "Scandinavia. Architettura, gli ultimi vent'anni", Electa, 1990.
- Werne F., "Böndernas Bygge", Wiken, 1993 (parti da concordare).
- Hall T., Dunér K., "Svenska Hus. Landsbygden arkitektur från bondesamhälle till industrialism", Carlssons, 1995.
- Hellspong M., Löfgren O., "Land och Stad. Svenska samhällen och livsformer från medeltid till nutid", Gleerups, 1994.
-Analisi dello spazio domestico delle kyrkostugor, dal classico: Berling R., "Kyrkostaden i övre norrland", Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksells, 1964.

- point 2: students of the Degree Course in History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age can agree on a specific program and / or choose from the following texts:

- Ligi G., "Il senso del tempo. Percezioni e rappresentazioni del tempo in antropologia culturale", Unicopli, 2013.
- Palumbo Fossati I., "Dentro le case. Abitare a Venezia nel Cinquecento", Gambier Keller, 2013.
- Sarti R., "Vita di casa. Abitare, mangiare, vestire nell'Europa moderna", Laterza, 2000 (parti da concordare).
- Galetti P., "Uomini e case nel Medioevo fra Occidente e Oriente", Laterza, 2001.
- Perrot M., "Storia delle camere", Sellerio, 2011.
- Ariès P., Duby G., "Vita privata. L'Ottocento", Laterza, 1988 (parti da concordare).
- Ariès P., Duby G., "Vita privata. Il Novecento", Laterza, 2001 (parti da concordare).

- point 2: students of the Degree Course in Italian philology and literature can agree on a specific program and / or choose from the following texts:

- Salmi-Nikl K., "Reading Homes Cultures Through Books", Routledge, 2022.
-Bachelard G., "Poetica dello spazio", 1975.
- Perec G., "La vita istruzioni per l'uso", Feltrinelli, 1978.
- Bajani A., "Il libro delle case", Feltrinelli, 2021.
- Orlando F., "Gli oggetti desueti nelle immagini della letteratura", Einaudi, 2015.
- Allende I., "La casa degli spiriti", Feltrinelli, 1982.
- Simenon G., "La casa dei Krull", Adelphi, 2017.

Writing a written report on a course topic plus an oral interview. In the "Exam test" field of the Moodle there is a pdf with instructions for completing and presenting the written report. The exam is considered passed if in the written discussion and in the oral presentation the evaluation is judged to be at least sufficient with respect to the following three basic criteria: 1. relevance of the contents with respect to the agreed topic (essay) and the questions asked (oral part) ; 2. ability to critically elaborate the concepts exposed; 3. clarity of presentation; 4. language properties.
Registration for the Moodle is mandatory.
Lectures in Italian with the use of Power Point and classroom discussion, with practical exercises on the territory, inside and outside domestic spaces (photography, interviews, graphs, field notes). Male and female students who appear for the exam as attending students are required to actively participate in the exercises and discussion in the classroom.
This exam is not valid for the recovery of the 6 credits in M-DEA / 01 for admission to the ACEL anthropology master's degree.

To apply for the master's thesis in Social Anthropology SP, the following requirements are essential:

1. Having passed both the SP Ethnography and SP Social Anthropology exams, with a positive result and as an attending student.
2. Discussion of a short preliminary research project.
3. The degree thesis must be written in Italian.

The topic of the thesis must be consistent with the teacher's research areas: anthropology of domestic space and landscape; space-time categories; relationships between anthropology and the arts, in particular literature and visual arts; anthropology of risk and disasters; Saami history and ethnography (Lapland, northern Scandinavia).

N.B. Erasmus students are required to express themselves correctly in Italian. The exam for Erasmus students must be held in Italian.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Climate change and energy" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/07/2024