Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM004N (AF:502454 AR:285818)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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In this course students make the passage from intermediate to advanced level Japanese. All four linguistic activities are trained (reading, writing, speaking, listening). Students critically study authentic Japanese materials that related to their academic specialization.
We start from a level of Japanese that corresponds to ECFR B2.
Students successfully completing this course will be able read, comprehend and discuss Japanese materials. They will be able to take a stance towards issues that relate to their academic specialization and interact in formal settings.
Participants should have a high intermediate proficiency in Japanese. They need to prepare and repeat content taught in class and demonstrate intellectual flexibility.
Discussion and translations of texts on contemporary society in Japan as well as translation exercises (Patrick Heinrich).
Exercises with textbooks and other materials, text comprehension tutorials (Nakayama Etsuko).
Listening exercises, oral production and interaction. Reading and discussing texts (Suzuki Masako).
Text comprehension exercises (Shoko Nishida)
Conversation (Kayato Sembokuya)
Dizionari Online Japanese-Japanese, Japanese-English, Japanese-Italian
Kenkyusha's, New Japanese-English Dictionary, Tokyo, Kenkyusha 1985.
Dizionario Shogakukan Italiano-Giapponese, Tokyo, Shogakukan 1985.
Kojien, Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten 1993.
Kadokawa Shinjigen, Tokyo, Kadokawa 1993.
Bunka Chukyu Nihongo, vol. 2, Tokyo, Bonjinsh, 1997.
Kumashiro Toru, `Wakamono' o yamete,`otona' o hajimeru `seijuku kon'nan jidai' o do ikiru ka? Isuto Puresu 2018.
Makino Tsutsui, A dictionary of basic Japanese grammar, Tokyo, The Japan Times 1989.
Makino Tsutsui, A dictionary of Intermediate Japanese grammar, Tokyo, The Japan Times 1995.
Makino Tsutsui, A dictionary of Advanced Japanese grammar, Tokyo, The Japan Times 2008.
Miura Atsushi, Eizoku kodoku shakai bundan ka, tsunagari ka? Asahi Shinso 2022.
There is feedback in the classroom and a weekly office hour by the three teachers. Gaps and shortcomings identified in the class and discussed during the office hour are addressed in a weekly tutorial.
Presentations, discussion, group-work, traditional lessons.
This course requires concentrated efforts and the motivation to take the difficult step from intermediate to advanced level Japanese.
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/03/2024