Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMH020 (AF:502208 AR:284298)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course is primarily addressed to students of the Master Degree in Environmental Humanities. The participation of students of other programmes can be authorised upon agreement with the instructors.
Module 1 constitutes the first part of the overall examination of Environmental Anthropology and, in order to obtain the final 12 credits, it must be completed with module 2 held by Prof. Bonifacio. However, module 1 is assessed independently and the assessment contributes to the final grade of the course.
The course is taught in English.
The course aims at providing the students with the necessary tools to understand the relationship between human beings, society, and the environment (landscape and living beings) through the lenses of social and cultural anthropology. Students will get familiar with the basic concepts which frame the contemporary challenges concerning environment within the historical and economic process of globalization.
This is a required course offered to students enrolled in the Master Degree in the Environmental Humanities. No prior background is required. The first module grants the access to the second module of the course.
The first module of the course of Environmental Anthropology presents the students with the main perspectives and the language of anthropology, with a specific focus on the relations between human beings and the environment. After a in-depth introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology, and to its ethnographic approach, students will get familiar with the main perspectives framing globalization and its dynamics in an anthropological perspective. In particular, the processes of time-space compression, growth escalation, and human pressure over nature will be addressed. Particular attention will be devoted to notions like ‘modernity’, ‘development’, ‘cosmopolitanism’, and to the phenomenon of global mobility of goods, capitals and people.
Mandatory readings for the first module:
Ingold T. 'Anthropology. Why it matters'. Polity, 2018.
Eriksen, T.H. 'Overheating: An Anthropology of Accelerated Change'. Pluto Press, 2016.

Complementary readings, to get familiar with the theories and methods of anthropology:
Hendry J. 'An Introduction to Social Anthropology. Sharing Our Worlds'. Palgrave, 2016 (third edition).
Eriksen T.H. 'Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology'. Pluto Press, 2015 (fourth edition).
Dei F. 'Antropologia culturale'. Il Mulino, 2012 (seconda edizione).
Pavanello M. 'Fare antropologia. Metodi per la ricerca etnografica', Zanichelli, 2010.
Deliège R. 'Storia dell'antropologia'. Il Mulino, 2008.
Attendance is not mandatory, but attending students are required to follow and participate in classes, intervening and animating the debate on the topics under consideration. During the course, attending students are required to introduce the topic of the day by presenting, in small groups, a review of one article/chapter suggested by the instructor, encouraging questions and generating a discussion among colleagues. The class will then proceed by exploring the questions raised in the presentation and debate, moving progressively toward theoretical analysis. Attending students are those who carry out the group presentation and attend to at least 75% of the hours of class.
The final exam is constituted by an oral examination, based, for attending students, on the two books cited above. Non attending students will add to the programme all the articles presented during classes (made available in moodle).
The course is taught through lectures, audio-visual materials, class discussion and group presentations of selected articles.
The instructor receive students in his office located in the Department of Humanities (Malcanton Marocrà building), upon appointment previously arranged by email.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/09/2024