Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0248 (AF:486960 AR:258191)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
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The teaching is part of the related and supplementary Activities of the Degree in History, Anthropological curriculum. The aim of the course is to offer an introduction to the study of the traditional culture of the popular classes of stratified societies (peasants, shepherds, mountaineers, fishermen, artisans, workers, fair workers). The course includes a first part dedicated to the in-depth analysis of the forms and functions of folklore, and to the birth and development of studies on popular traditions, folklore and demology. This introduction will be followed by a thematic section on the ideology of death and the relations between the dead and the living in southern Italian peasant societies.
Attendance and active participation in the course (lectures, viewing of video material) and individual study of the exam material will allow students to:
1. Know the birth and development of studies on the traditional culture of the popular classes (Italian and non-Italian);
2. Know and appreciate the cultural and social complexity of the popular classes;
3. Deepen and analyze particularly significant studies;
4. Learning and experimenting the methodologies for the study of popular traditions;
5. Learning to relate the ethnographic experience to the pertinent scientific literature.
The basic courses in Cultural Anthropology ('Cultural Anthropology - Introduction - Module 1' and 'Cultural Anthropology - History - Module 2') are preparatory and must be taken prior to or in parallel with the course 'History of Popular Traditions - Introduction.
Birth and development of folklore studies;
Introduction to the study of popular culture in Modern Europe and Italy: romanticism, positivism, fascism, Antonio Gramsci, Ernesto de Martino, Alberto M. Cirese;
Forms and functions of folklore;
Definition of the concept of tradition;
Definition of the concept of people;
Definition of the concept of tradition;
Internal debate within the discipline and new horizons;
Forms of patrimonialisation;
Ideology of death among peasant societies in Southern Italy.
1) Propaedeutic texts:

Dei F., Cultura popolare in Italia. Da Gramsci all'UNESCO, BO, Mulino, 2018
Tribulato C., Storia delle tradizioni popolari, dispensa (scaricabile da Moodle), 2023

2) Ethnographic monographs (selection of chapters):

De Martino E., Morte e pianto rituale nel mondo antico. Dal lamento funebre antico al pianto di Maria, Bollati Boringhieri, 2008
Lombardi Satriani L.M. e Meligrana M., Il ponte di S. Giacomo. L’ideologia della morte nella società contadina del Sud. Milano, Rizzoli, 1989

To be noted: Students must always bring the current academic year's programme for the four scheduled appeals. Under no circumstances may they bring old programmes from previous academic years.
Oral and written examination.

The assessment of learning and skills attained will take place by means of a written examination (optional) and an oral examination with questions on the texts in the syllabus and on the topics of the lectures; in particular, understanding of the themes and problems posed during the course and the ability to make cross-curricular connections will be ascertained.

1. Written report on a small case study to be agreed with the professor and shared with the class (approx. 2300 words, including bibliographical references), to be handed in in pdf format at least 10 days before the date of the exam. The agreed case study is to be analysed and commented on in the light of the bibliography under examination. More detailed instructions are given in class and shared on Moodle. Students who decide to submit this paper will be exempt from the oral examination on the part of the examination concerning the ideology of death in the Italian popular context.

2. oral examination. The student receives comments on the written report and on how to improve their work in terms of content and form. In addition, the student is asked to answer some oral questions on the content of the texts on the syllabus and the topics covered during the lectures. Particular attention will be paid to comprehension of the proposed topics and the ability to make transversal connections.

N.B. Erasmus students are required to express themselves correctly in Italian. The examination for Erasmus students must be taken in Italian.
Participatory lessons with the use of slides, guided readings and use of audiovisual material.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 21/11/2023