- Academic year
- 2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0589 (AF:475514 AR:252098)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- Subdivision
- Class 1
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- SPS/07
- Period
- 2nd Semester
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
- Have knowledge of the paradigms of qualitative research and social ethnography, with their variety of objectives, tools and limitations
- They have knowledge of the main qualitative and ethnographic research methods, of the underlying assumptions, of their application in concrete cases and of their usefulness in the field of social policies and services
- They know how to orient themselves among the possible qualitative research tools in concrete cases in the area of social policies and services
- They know how to read a qualitative and ethnographic research report from a methodological point of view
- They know how to develop a qualitative and ethnographic research project
- They know how to conduct qualitative and ethnographic research
- They know how to evaluate a qualitative and ethnographic research project
- They know how to welcome a qualitative research and a qualitative and ethnographic research report
1. General introduction to research paradigms
2. Fundamentals and techniques of qualitative and ethnographic research.
3. The implementation of qualitative research and social ethnography
In each block, the discussion of the main reference concepts is accompanied by the analysis of concrete cases (research problems, existing research).
The second block presupposes the reading of a qualitative research and / or of a social ethnography and its critical analysis through the drafting of a written thesis.
The third block includes the drafting of a project, an empirical experience in the field and an experience of data analysis and drafting of a thesis / draft of a research report.
Referral texts
- Cardano, M. (2011). "La ricerca qualitativa". Il Mulino.
- La Mendola, S. (2009). "Centrato e aperto. Dare vita a interviste dialogiche". Utet.
A book chosen among:
- Augustoni, A. e Veraldi, R. (2012) "Esplorare i mondi quotidiani". Carocci.
- Capello, C. Cingolani, P. e Vietti, F. (2023) "Etnografia delle migrazioni". Carocci.
- Semi, G. (2010). "L'osservazione partecipante. Una guida pratica". Il Mulino.
- Tarozzi, M. (2007). "Che cos'è la Grounded Theory". Carocci.
A book chosen among:
- Armano, E. (2020) "Pratiche di inchiesta e conricerca oggi". Ombre Corte.
- De Cataldo, A. e Russo, C. (2022) "Metodologia e tecniche partecipative. La ricerca sociologica nel tempo della complessità". Pearson.
4a. A book to be chosen among:
- Cordova, G. 2022. "Karim e gli altri". Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
- Peterlongo, G. 2023 "Nella trama dell'algoritmo". Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier.
Della Puppa, F., Matteuzzi, F. e Saresin, F. (2021). "La linea dell'orizzonte". Becco Giallo.
students are required to read ONE qualitative and ethnographic research, in Italia, English or Spanish.
Each student can choose the reading he/she prefer or agree with the professor.
By way of example, some examples are given below:
Della Puppa, F. (2014). "Uomini in movimento. Il lavoro della maschilità tra Bangladesh e Italia". Rosenberg & Sellier.
Wacquant, L. (2002). "La fabbrica dei pugili nel ghetto nero americano". DeriveApprodi.
Bourgois, P. e Schonberg, J. (2011 o 2019) "Reietti e fuorilegge. Antropologia della violenza nella metropoli americana". DeriveApprodi.
Bourgois, P. (2005). "Cercando rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada". DeriveApprodi.
Sanò, G. (2018). "Fabbriche di plastica. Il lavoro nell'agricoltura industriale". Combre Corte.
Semenzin, M. (2019). "Semenzin Le fabbriche della cooperazione. Imprese recuperate e autogestite tra Argentina e Italia". Ombre Corte.
Giliberti, L. (2020). "Abitare la frontiera. Lotte neorurali e solidarietà ai migranti sul confine franco-italiano". Ombre Corte.
Priori, A. (2012). "Romer Probashira. Reti sociali e itinerari transnazionali bangladesi". Meti Edizioni.
Segalla, S. (2016). "Le radici del cibo: donne, trattorie, passaggi d'epoca". Guerini e Associati.
Sacchetto, D. (2004). "Il Nordest e il suo Oriente. Migranti, capitali e azioni umanitarie". Ombre Corte.
Perrotta, D. (2011). "Vite in cantiere. Migrazione e lavoro dei rumeni in Italia". Il Mulino.
If the student prefers to choose another reading, on which to write the essay, he / she is free to do so, negotiating it with the professor.
At the same time, he / she can ask to the professor for advice and to be oriented on a possible other reading, on which to write the essay, on the basis of his / her specific interests.
Frisina, A. (2010). "Focus group. Una guida pratica". Il Mulino.
Cardano, M. e Gariglio, L. (2023). Metodi qualitativi. Pratche di ricerca in presenza, a distanza e ibride. Roma: Carocci.
Frisina, A. (2013). "Ricerca visuale e trasformazioni socio-culturali". Utet.
4b. Two (instead of one) books among those at point 2a OR two (instead of one) books among those at point 3a
Assessment methods
The exam is the same for attending and non-attending students.
The assessment concerns:
- the understanding of the main concepts addressed during the course;
- clarity;
- ability to critically analyse methodological strategies
- ability to propose research strategies applied to a concrete case
To access the oral exam, students must prepare, by the end of the course:
- a short qualitative / ethnographic research project, negotiated with the teacher (1 page)
- a paper for restitution of a piece of qualitative / ethnographic research developed on the basis of the research project (about 10 pages)
The teacher will be available to follow the drafting of the research project, the collection and analysis of the data.
FURTHERMORE, students must present in the classroom, ONE of the following paper (mentioned above): the qualitative / ethnographic research project OR the essay of restitution of the qualitative / ethnographic research developed.
For attending students, active participation in lessons will also be evaluated.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
During the course the students will be given short home assignments that will be discussed during class, among which the preparation of a brief research project, the preparation of a thesis with the results of the research, the preparation of a thesis of critical analysis of an ethnographic reading.
The assignments are mandatory and, along with the active participation at seminars, lecturers, and classes, will be taken into consideration in the final evaluation.
Further information
Ca ’Foscari applies Italian law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) for the support and accommodation services available to students with disabilities and special needs or specific learning disabilities and special needs. If you have a mobility, visual, hearing or other disability and special needs (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder or special needs (Law 170/2010) and you require support (classroom assistance, technological aids for carrying out exams or exams individualized, accessible format material, note retrieval, specialist tutoring to support the study, interpreters or other) contact the Disability and DSA office disabilita@unive.it.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development