Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT005O (AF:473561 AR:247028)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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This is the first of altogether three modules dedicated to the study of South Asia's most widely spoken and single most important language. The knowledge of the hindi language will allow students not only to discover a fascinating subject of study in itself, but most importantly allow them to approach and make use of both written sources and oral communication skills for an autonomous investigation of all areas and subjects of interest.
The course intends to provide students with the first notions concerning the linguistic structure of the Hindi language, including its basic morphological, grammatical, and syntactical aspects. The theory will be complemented by a series of exercises and brief translations from Hindi into Italian addressing some specific issues treated during the course. During classes, students are encouraged to participate actively at formulating sentences and oral expressions.
A knowledge of the hindi language corresponding to the level A1 on the scale of the European CEFR value system.
At the end of this first year course, students should be able to grasp the fundamental grammatical and lexical structure of modern Hindi and its principal constituent parts. Knowledge of primary elements pertaining to grammar and syntax and an elementary vocabulary of ca. 500 words should enable students to articulate simple sentences used in the context of a conversation based on practical issues pertaining to everyday life.
No previous knowledge of the language studies is required. However, a basic knowledge of English will be helpful for the purpose of consulting standard reference sources, such as grammar books and dictionaries, as well as other material in hindi used.
The devanagari graphic system and the correct pronunciation of its phonems: vowels and consonants including the most commonly encountered conjunct consonants. Singular and plural of nouns and adjectives, direct and oblique case specifics; comparative and superlative of the adjective. The verb and its modes and tenses; postpositions (case markers), conjunctions, adverbs and numbers. Categories of pronouns. The formation of the clause. Compound verbs and their function.
Lessons will follow closely (but not exactly) the path of learning determined by lessons 1-15 (lezioni) as described by the Corso di Lingua Hindi textbook, by Giorgio Milanetti and Tanya Dasgupta, published by Hoepli (Milan); this textbook is based on the Italian language, but other, alternative grammars in English can be obtained and used after consultation with the language teacher.
Reference Grammar:
- P. Caracchi, Grammatica hindi, Torino, Promolibri, 1992.
Course book introducing notions of grammar and the devanagari writing system:
- G. Milanetti - S. T. Gupta, Corso di lingua hindi, Milano, Hoepli, 2008.
Dictionaries recommended for all practical purposes:
- M. Chaturvedi & B. Tiwari, A Practical Hindi English Dictionary, New Delhi, National Publishing, 2004.
- R.S. Mc Gregor: Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, successive edizioni.
The final assessment of the level of knowledge acquired during the course will take place in the shape of a written exam (split in two, separate, parts: intermediate and final) and an oral exam to be done with the 'lettrice'.
The written exam will focus on translating from Hindi into English/Italian. The oral exam consists of two separate parts and will focus on grammar, reading comprehension and elementary conversation in Hindi.
For further information, please contact the teacher either by making an appointment or by correspondence through e-mail.
Frontal lectures in the classroom complemented by exercises of oral expression with the mother-tongue collaborator.
Regular attendance of classes is strongly recommended.
written and oral

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/03/2023