Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET2025 (AF:469360 AR:256823)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames L-Z
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
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The module is part of the Business and Labour Law course, that is included in the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Business Administration.
The module wants to offer the knowledges of the main dynamics and principles of Labour law, impacting on the organization of the companies at national, European and international level. This will allow to the students the acquisition of specific skills in order to identify the labor law issues in the context of the processes of internationalization of the enterprise and globalization of the markets, and completing their skills in managements and staff management.
At the end of this module, the students will be able to analyze the law and the case labour law, developing autonomously a critical vision of the phenomena of internationalization and globalization of the enterprise and their effects on social rights of employees, in order to deal with and manage them in a business context.
At the end of this module, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge and understanding the labour law dynamics in the business context:
1. Categorize the main legal instruments of the national labor law, in order to estimate them and manage human resources in the essential moments of the employment relationship (choice of the contract type, discipline of functional flexibility, discipline of individual and collective dismissals, corporate restructuring), even in complex situations of internationalization of production processes (management of the company's international processes);
1.2 Identify the steps of the European labour law discipline and describe their impact on Labour Market, competition and social rights;
1.3 Illustrate functioning, role, tools and mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and its engagement on MNEs regulation.
2. Ability to apply this knowledge and understanding also in a professional context:
2.1 Distinguish and choose among the different types of labour contracts the most appropriate for a specific production and organizational need;
2.2 Select the correct legislation of reference which aims to regulate a particular type of contract relationship;
2.3 Evaluate the relationship between fundamental economic freedoms and social rights, at the national, supranational and international level;
2.4 Show the fundamental role of the ILO in promoting social rights in the business context and plan a sustainable development paradigm in the business organization.
3. Ability to judge:
3.1 Compare the different multilevel sources of labor law and explain their hierarchical interaction;
3.2 Calculate possible problems that an enterprise encountered in the global labor market;
3.3 Rearrange the hard skills on business management in the light of the sustainable development paradigm.
The prerequisites relate to the basic knowledge of private law and commercial law, as well as a knowledge of basic business subjects and economic concepts, especially those applied to the management of the company.
-Fundamental rights, business and labour law: multilevel sources and interactions
-Elements of national labour law: autonomy and subordination, powers of the employer, tasks, types of contracts, flexicurity paradigm and atypical contracts, transfer of company, posting of workers, individual and collective dismissal;
-Notions of European labour law: the historical normative evolution, the role of the European institutions, European directives on labor law, the Social Pillar and its effects on business and labour law;
-The labour market: labour demand and supply, skill mismatch, Active labour market programs;
-The impact of the digitalization on the labour market and on the labour relationship: gig economy, sharing economy, riders and platform workers;
-Notions of International labor law: International Labor Organization (ILO), ILO Conventions and Recommendations, fundamental social rights, the concept of social justice and social dumping.
-Labour law perspective: Sustainable development and Labour Law, Climate change and its impact in the Labour Market, Just Transition for workers.
V. Brino, A. Perulli, A Global Labour Law: Towards a New International Framework for Rights and Justice, 2024 (the volume is available on the Publishing house website at the price of 28 euros with coupon code)
Articles and working papers will be uploaded by the professor at the beginning of the course on the materials on line, available for the download, together with the slides which will be used during the lectures.
The learning mode is implemented through a final written test, with a multiple choice questions.
Students will be able to acquire extra points (from 1 to 3 points), to be added to the final exam grade, optionally participating in working group on some topics and materials proposed by the teacher during the course, which include the preparation by the students of a presentation to be done in the classroom with some slides and of the drafting of a paper of about ten pages.
as well as fix the theoretical concepts learned during the lessons, the team work is a valuable tool for implementing some useful soft skills for students such as team building, effective public speaking, and planning time.
The teaching methods consist of lectures, with interaction and questions from the teacher, solicitation for reflection on current issues, team work, preparation of case law, doctrinal analysis.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 08/01/2025