Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT006O (AF:468576 AR:223614)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course of Hindi Language 2 falls within the characterizing teachings of the second year of the "Indian Subcontinent" curriculum of the course "Languages, Cultures and Societies of Asia and Mediterranean Africa".

Its formative objectives fall within the area of language skills learning.

In particular the objectives of the course are: a) to conclude the study of Hindi grammatical structures; b) to provide basic skills to maintain a simple conversation in Hindi in such a way as to be able to interact in the most common communication contexts; c) to provide necessary skills for reading and grammatical analysis of elementary-intermediate contemporary Hindi texts.

The level that students should reach at the end of the course should be around an A2 level of the CEFR.

This class is part of the Hindi language program amd it builds on the skills acquired in the "Hindi 1" course ; it prepares the students to continue with "HIndi language 3" course.
A2 level - Waystage
An ability to deal with simple, straightforward information and begin to express oneself in familiar contexts.
Example: CAN take part in a routine conversation on simple predictable topics.

1. Knowledge and understanding
- to complete the knowledge of the grammatical structures of elementary-level Hindi
- to complete the knowledge of elementary-level vocabulary
- to know and understand variations in the register and communication pragmatics of elementary-level HIndi
- to know and understand key concepts and the essential terminology required to describe in a scientific way the phenomena studied during the class

2. Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to know how to identify and to understand grammatical categories and their properties
- to be able to describe constructions and grammatical phenomena studied during classes by correctly using the terminology and the basic tools of syntactic analysis
- to know how to interact in the communicative situations described by the A2 level of the CEFR
- to know how to understand and produce oral and written texts in agreement with the A2 level of the CEFR
- to be able to translate elementary-level written texts from Hindi into Italian, following the instructions provided during the course
- to be able to use Hindi-English dictionary and other translation tools

3. Making judgements:
- to be able to express elementary concepts and produce examples to support or refute them in Hindi
- to be able to autonomously produce translation choices on the basis of the indications provided during class
- to be able to critically test particular examples of translation problem form Hindi language

4. Communication:
- written and oral comprehension and production skills and oral interaction required by the A2 level of the CEFR
- to be able, during classes, to interact with one's peers, with the teacher and with the CELs in a critical and respectful way

5. Lifelong learning skills:
- to be able to take notes pertinently and effectively
- to be able to consult the texts and reference materials suggested in the course bibliography
- to be able to develop the skills acquired in the course to undertake higher studies and in particular to prepare a short essay, also in Hindi language

Basic knowledge of Hindi language (consistent with the level acquired during the first year course) and English (for consultancy of the dictionary).
Knowledge of the basic categories of sentence analysis.
The course aims at concluding the grammar, vocabulary and syntax of modern standard Hindī. In particular we will study in-depth:

- all forms of compound verbs;
- adverbs e conjunctions;
- relative sentence;
- passive;
- present and past participle;
- nominal derivation by means of suffixes and prefixes;
- nominal composition;
- subordinate clauses.

The given theoretical notions will be applied by degrees in specific exercises and selected translations from Hindi to Italian. In such a way there will be the chance to study and to understand the typical linguistic features (graphic, phonological, morpho-syntactic, but especially lexical) of modern standard Hindi.
Compulsory grammar:
1) Caracchi Pinuccia, Grammatica hindī, Promolibri, Torino, 1992;
2) Milanetti Giorgio e Gupta Smiti Tanya, Corso di lingua hindī, ed. Ulrico Hoepli, Milano, 2008;

Compulsory exercise book:
3) Caracchi, Pinuccia, Primo corso di lingua hindī. Esercizi. Crestomazia. Lessico, (ed.) Libreria Stampatori, Torino, 2007;

Compulsory dictionaries:
4) R. S. McGregor, The Oxford Hindi-English Dictionary, OUP, Oxford-Delhi 1993 (e successive edizioni);
5) Charurvedi Nahendra & Tiwari Bholanatha, A practical Hindi-English Dictionary, National Publishing, New Delhi, 2004.

All other material and indications concerning further reading will be provided by the course convenor during classes.
The written exam will be divided into two sessions, for each of which will be allotted 2 hrs and a half:

1) during the first session, scheduled for the January session, students will be asked to translate a series of sentences from hindi into italian, with the aim of the aim of testing the abilities in the field of grammar and syntax acquired during the first semester.

2) the second partial, scheduled for the summer session, will consist of i) the translation, again from hindi into italian, of a short passage or paragraph taken from a text chosen on the basis of the level expected and ii) the translation in Hindi of easy Italian sentences.

The two written partials will be completed by an oral examination with the mother tongue collaborator, in the course of which students are expected to show their ability of oral expression acquired.
written and oral
Analysis and explanation of grammatical issues in class and their practical application through a range of illustrative examples;

Common exercises in class and assignment of individual tasks at home;

Reading in class of unseen hindi texts, analysis and discussion of technical issues, choice of vocabulary and cultural elements emerging from the material analyzed;

Homework assignments, to be corrected both individually and collectively.
Students are adviced to be regularly present during classes.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 26/06/2023