Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0644 (AF:465743 AR:253399)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
In cooperation with
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The course aims to introduce the basic concepts of building physics to understand the operation of heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, focusing on building-plant-exterior environment interaction, energy-saving aspects and use of renewable energy sources.
One of the central goals of the course is to give awareness concerning the importance of HVAC systems for maintaining indoor environmental quality and user comfort, while highlighting design complexity and the potential environmental impact.
In this context, zero and net zero energy (ZEB, nZEB) buildings, and energy communities will be introduced to work toward a more sustainable urban environment.
At the end of the course the student will have the basic knowledge for assessing indoor air quality (IAQ) and indoor environmental quality (IEQ). In addition, students will be able to know the dynamics of the building-plant system, estimating with simplified methods the heating and cooling capacity required for different applications.
Although students will not be able to design, they will have a sufficient overview to understand the complexity required for the design of a HVAC system, and to assess its impact on the environment in case of incorrect design.
Furthermore, the introduction of energy communities will enlarge the perspective from the single building scale to the urban environment.
Basic knowledge of physics.
Basic knowledge of thermoregulation and user comfort.
Recalls of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer.
Determination of heating and cooling capacity of buildings by simplified methods.
Basic knowledge about the energy required by buildings, their energy consumption, legislation and regulations.
Indoor Air Quality and room contamination phenomena.
Theory of humid air, ventilation systems and air handling units.
Thermal and cooling energy generation, distribution and emission systems.
Hints on types of refrigerants and environmental impact, introduction to heat islands.
Hints on civil biomass systems and potential environmental impact.
Introduction to ZEB/nZEB buildings, energy communities and district heating systems.

Documents provided by the lecturer and lecture notes.

For personal in-depth study or reference:
G. Cammarata, Impianti Termotecnici, dispense web
N. Rossi “Manuale del Termotecnico”. Ed. Hoepli.
L. Stefanutti (a cura di) “Manuale degli impianti di climatizzazione” (2 volumi). Ed. Tecniche Nuove.
AA.VV. "Manuale di Progettazione termotecnica - Idronica". ed. AICARR

AICARR Journal (organo ufficiale dell’AICARR)
La Termotecnica, (organo ufficiale dell’ATI)
RCI, Ed. Tecniche Nuove
ASHRAE Journal (organo ufficiale dell’ASHRAE)
The exam will have some written questions and an oral question, with a project report (to be defined).
written and oral
Theory lectures and applications with computational examples. In order to explore the topics covered in depth, the necessary teaching materials for structuring a small project with a final report will be provided during the lectures (to be defined).
The course is carried out in collaboration with the extended partnership GRINS - Growing Resilient, INclusive and Sustainable, code PE0000018, CUP H73C22000930001, public notice no. 341/2022 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan ("NRRP"), Mission 4 - Component 2 - Investment 1.3, funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.
As part of the course, meetings with companies’ testimonials involved in the project may be offered, focusing on the development of practical knowledge in the subject matter, as well as the results of the project itself.
This course covers topics related to Spoke 6 Low carbon policies - Work Package n.2.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 07/03/2024