Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT601V (AF:465618 AR:253074)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course of Portuguese language 2 belongs as "third language" to the degree in Linguistic and Cultural Mediation.
The course consists of a semester module held by the lecturer in the second semester and language exercises held by native speakers.
The general objectives of the course are to: achieve linguistic competence at a level B1/B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR); Develop basic metalinguistics competence in comparison with the Portuguese language. The achievement of expected learning outcomes is verified through a structured examination.

1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge of the phonological and morphological structures of the Portuguese language; Portuguese language competence equal to B1/B1+ level of CEFR.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
To know how to recognize and describe the phonetic-phonological, graphic and morphological units of the Portuguese language; to know how to operate syllabic and morphological segmentation; to know how to use derivative schemes for word formation; to be able to interact in communication situations corresponding to a level B1/B1+ of the CEFR; to understand and produce written and oral texts that correspond to a B1/B1+ level of the CEFR.
3. Autonomy of judgment
To be able to issue correction and grammatical judgments based on linguistic reflections; to be able to find the bibliographic sources suggested by the teacher; to be able to use electronic resources for the study of phonological and morphological structures at the initial level (electronic resources such as those made available, for example, by Infopedia, Priberam); to be able to implement communication strategies corresponding to a B1/B1+ level of CEFR.
4. Communicative skills
To be able to interact in Portuguese language in communicative situations provided by B1/B1+ level of CEFR.
5. Learning Skills
Initial self-evaluation skills in terms of their competence in Portuguese language and in relation to the acquisition of metalinguistic content.
Level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Semester Module:
The course aims to illustrate and analyze the peculiarities of the different expressive levels and linguistic registers in the Portuguese language, in their written and oral expression, with the definition of the main textual prototypes.

Grammatical, phonetic-graphic, lexical, textual and communicative contents of the Portuguese language (B1/B1+ level of CEFR)
Semester module:

Rocha A., “O acto da comunicação”, in GRAMÁTICA ELEMENTAR DE PORTUGUÊS, Lisboa, Editora Replicação, 2002, pp. 37-50.
Ramos L.V. - Sardinha L., O TEXTO NORMATIVO, ed. revista e aumentada, Lisboa, Didáctica Editora, 2004.

For consultation:
Cunha C. – Cintra L., NOVA GRAMÁTICA DO PORTUGUÊS CONTEMPORÂNEO, Lisboa, Sá da Costa, última ed..


Ferreira, P., GRAMMATICA D'USO DELLA LINGUA PORTOGHESE B1-B2. Milano: Hoepli, 2022.
Sousa, R.B.; Dias, A.C., ENTRE NÓS 2. LIVRO DO ALUNO. Lisboa: Lidel, ult. ed.
Examination of expected learning outcomes is done through a structured examination, consisting of a written test and an oral exam.
In order to verify the achievement of the linguistic competence (level B1 of the CEFR), the written test is composed of two parts whose average results are evaluated on a 30/30 basis:
1) dictation of about 10 lines (30 points)
2) grammatical test (30 points) - duration: 60 minutes.
The oral test consists of two parts: the first, verifying the achievement of oral communication competence (level A2 of the CEFR), consists of a conversational language interaction (duration: about 15 minutes); the second is to verify the achievement of the metalinguistic competence on the contents of the teaching module and is held in Portuguese or in Italian, at the choice of the student (duration: 15-20 minutes).
The two parts of the oral examination are evaluated globally, resulting in a 30/30 basis evaluation that will average with the grade obtained in the written test, thus resulting in a total examination.
The written test is preliminary to the oral test, which should be done in a single sitting and within the same exam session in which the written test is passed.
written and oral
Frontal lessons; exercises.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 11/09/2023