Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0083 (AF:463850 AR:256946)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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As part of the course of study that offers comprehensive training in the field of business, through a solid integration of business, economic, legal and quantitative disciplines, the teaching constitutes an in-depth study of the management, from a legal point of view, of the labour factor. Consistent with the illustrated objective, the course aims at analysing the most relevant legal institutions of labour law, as interpreted by case law and implemented by collective bargaining, through a pragmatic and case-based approach. The teaching is therefore useful for students addressing a dynamic and increasingly less traditional labour market, such as the one now established in our country.
Attendance and active participation in the training activities offered by the course and individual study will enable students to:
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.1. acquire the fundamental institutes of labour law.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
2.1. know how to orientate oneself in today's complex labour market, both as a worker and as a company manager.
3. Ability to judge
3.2. as an employee, to be able to assess one's own set of rights and obligations; as an employer, to be able to assess the opportunities offered and the limits imposed by the system in the management of the labour factor.
This course assumes the knowledge of private law.
In order to complete and perfect the preparation of the subject, it is advisable to attend the free-choice course on Social Security Law, held by Prof. Maurizio Falsone during the same period.
The course will address, in a first approach dimension to the subject, the following topics.
The sources of labour and trade union law.
Workers' and companies' organisations
The collective agreement: levels, effectiveness and relationship with other sources
The trade union conflict
The establishment and types of the employment relationship: self-employment, subordinate employment and collaborations
Powers and obligations of the employer
Remuneration and new forms of remuneration related to the company's economic performance; worker participation; company welfare.
Contractual types
The organisation of the enterprise and its articulation: subcontracted work, transfer of business, contracts, secondments and enterprise networks.
The causes of termination and suspension of the employment relationship
The protection of workers' rights

These topics will then be explored in greater depth in master's degree courses, also characterised by lectures by external speakers and a specific focus on an in-depth study of the most crucial institutes, from year to year, such as dismissals, forms of collaboration, company crises, wage structures, the new digital work, labour law in the epidemiological emergency.
A. Occhino- G. Zilio Grandi, Diritto del Lavoro, Giappichelli, 2023.
For further reading, G. Zilio Grandi, Diritto del lavoro nella gestione d'impresa, Cedam, seconda edizione, 2019; G. Zilio Grandi, M. Biasi, Commentario breve alle riforme Jobs Act, Cedam, 2015; ID., Commentario breve al lavoro autonomo e al lavoro agile, Cedam 2017.
Additional readings of interest to working groups and individual students will be reported.
The assessment of learning takes place through an oral test.
During the oral test, the student:
A. must demonstrate knowledge of the topics covered during the course and be able to present them in a formal manner, through the appropriate use of legal language.
B. if attending, may also demonstrate the knowledge acquired during the in-depth group discussions organised during the course; if not attending, may also demonstrate the knowledge acquired through the individual study of a topic chosen by the student.
The assessment of this knowledge (in-depth group and individual study) has a weight equal to 30% of the overall assessment but, since they are NOT compulsory, in their absence the assessment will be 100% on the basis of knowledge of the topics covered during the course and correct presentation.

The teaching is organised in a) lectures accompanied by teaching material available on the university e-learning platform; b) in-depth thematic studies to be analysed, discussed and presented by small groups in the classroom (for attending students); c) in-depth individual thematic studies on topics chosen by the student himself, to be presented during the oral examination (for non-attending students); d) meetings with external speakers (lecturers or operators in the sector)

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Circular economy, innovation, work" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2024