Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
ET0015 (AF:463849 AR:256948)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Term
Course year
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Teaching is one of the similar and integrative disciplines of the degree course in Business Administration. It intends to provide the basic notions necessary to orientate itself within the tax system, correctly interpreting the regulatory provisions and acquiring knowledge of the schemes for the application of taxes by taxable persons, with an in-depth analysis of the obligations imposed on the taxpayer for the purposes of application of the levy.
1. Knowledge and understanding
Knowledge and understanding of the basics of tax law, the sources, the various types of taxes and their scope of application.
2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
Ability to interpret tax laws. Ability to apply the knowledge acquired through exercises on specific cases.
3. Ability to judge
To be able to critically evaluate the ratio and the function of the normative provisions, to be able to identify the most correct and efficient choices.
Some notions of Private Law.
- Definition of tax law and relations with other branches of law.
- Tax revenue: notion of tax, tax and tax.
- The sources of tax law.
- Type of tax regulations: substantive and procedural.
- The tax law over time.
- The tax law in space.
- The interpretation of tax provisions.
- Constitutional principles of tax matters.
- Structural elements of the tax: assumption, tax base, etc.
- Active subjects of the tax relationship.
- Passive subjects of the tax relationship.
- Statement.
- Formal checks of the declaration.
- Powers instructors of the Financial Administration.
- Assessment: formal requirements.
- Partial and supplementary checks.
- Assessment: assumptions and methodologies.
- Tax evasion.
- Interpell.
- Tax sanctions.
- Self-protection.
- Assessment with adhesion.
- Collection.
- Refund.
- Tax process.
TESAURO, Istituzioni di diritto tributario, Parte generale, UTET, latest edition.
LOGOZZO, Codice tributario, Pisa, Pacini editore, latest edition.
Teaching materials available on the web page of the teacher .

Alternative texts: LUPI, Diritto tributario, Parte generale, Giuffre, latest edition, or: FALSITTA, Corso istituzionale di diritto tributario, Padova, Cedam, latest edition, or: RUSSO, Manuale di diritto tributario, Parte generale, Giuffre, latest edition, or: FANTOZZI, Corso di Diritto Tributario, UTET, latest edition, or: GAFFURI, Lezioni di diritto tributario, Parte generale, Cedam, latest edition.
The exam will consist of a first written test (mandatory) and a subsequent oral exam (optional).
Written test.
It will be divided into:
- n. 1 open mandatory question of "barrage" (score 0 - 2), in case of uncorrected answer, the following parts will not be considered;
- n. 8 multiple choice questions. In the event that all the answers are correct, a score of 24/30 will be assigned. For each wrong or not given answer, 2 points will be subtracted. It follows that, to pass the exam (with a score of 18/30), at least 5 correct answers are required;
- n. 1 open question. The student can freely decide to answer or not. This question will be assigned a score between -2 and +2, depending on the quality of the answer (if excellent +2, if very bad -2; +1, 0, -1 the grade for qualitatively intermediate answers).
Oral exam.
Only students who have achieved the overall mark of 28/30 in the written test can access it optionally, answering exactly to the first mandatory open question (grade 2/30), to all 8 multiple choice questions (grade 24/30) and to the optional open question (grade 2/30).
The oral exam will be assigned a score between +2 and -2, according to the same criteria illustrated above with reference to the open question referred to in the written test.
The oral exam, unless otherwise indicated by the teacher, will take place electronically or in person and will take place after the publication of the results of the written exam.
Finally, students interested in obtaining honors can be questioned on all the material uploaded to moodle, including in-depth studies.
Students must express their interest in taking the oral test and possibly obtaining honors by promptly sending an email to the Professor within two days of the publication of the written test.
During the test it is not allowed the use of books , tax codes , notes or electronic media.
The teaching will be divided into lessons and seminars.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 04/03/2024