Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM7042 (AF:463725 AR:252126)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Term
Course year
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The course aims to give a concise but exhaustive vision of gender history declined with reference to the pre-industrial age. The attention will focus in particular on the theme of work in the above mentioned period.
The course aims to give a balanced vision of the role of women in work and in particular in entrepreneurship: inside this theme we will try to offer a reflection on the relationship between the female and masculine world inside work environment.
Basic knowledge in Economic History, History of Enterprise and Modern History is desirable.
1-Women and work in the pre-industrial age;
2-Family, property, dowry, an overall vision;
3-Women and enterprise from the pre-industrial age up today;
4-Training and education path;
5-The industrial revolution and the change of female society.
- Anna Bellavitis, "Il lavoro delle donne nelle città dell'Europa moderna" Biella, 2016.
- Alessandra Pescarolo, "Il lavoro delle donne nell'Italia contemporanea" (except chapters 8, 9 and 10). Viella, 2019.
- Paola Lanaro, Christophe Austruy (edited by), "L'arsenale di Venezia: da grande complesso industriale a risorsa patrimoniale", limited to the essay of Paola Lanaro: "Le donne velere nell'Arsenale di
Venezia:donne e lavoro operaio in una società pre industriale", Venezia, Marsilio, 2020.

During the lessons the students will discuss with the Teacher some subjects concerning the course: the exposition of these texts will be part of the final valuation.
Seminars by experts in the subject will also be held during the course with the aim of raising debates with students also with the aim of soliciting "Thesis" proposals. The topics covered will be part of final valuation.

The exams will be only in written form, in presence,
Front lessons in Italian and deepening in classroom with the partecipation of experts.
Thesis proposals are welcome.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 04/09/2023