Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
EM4068 (AF:463691 AR:253124)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Surnames L-Z
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
4th Term
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course is one of the core educational activities of the master's degree course. It provides the useful knowledge for the management of individual and collective working relationships, in compliance with the Italian and European regulatory framework. The teaching provides the skills to design and evaluate sustainable work organisation strategies, with a view to the company's interest in efficiency and productivity and the workers' interest in enhancing their professionalism and well-being. Compared to the labour courses of the department bachelor's degrees, the teaching pays particular attention to practical-organisational aspects and case studies, deepening case-law and organisational practices of greatest impact, as well as the characteristics and content of national and company collective bargaining. The course prepares for professional careers as an HR manager, labour consultant, accountant and other similar positions.

The course enables students to:
1. acquire knowledge of the regulation governing labour relations and trade union relations
2. acquire and use a correct and effective language in the regulation of labour and trade union relations
3. apply the acquired knowledge to face and resolve specific problems posed within small and big companies
4. be able to orient themselves in the current and complex labour market, both as an employee and as an employer.
5. be able to assess own rights and duties as an employee; be able to benefit from the opportunities in labour-management and to assess the limits set by the legal framework as a manager and/or employer
6. set up and assess effective HR management strategies strategies in light of the regulatory framework
The course assumes the basic knowledge of private law.
The origins, developments and new challenges in the regulation of labour and trade union relations. The sources of labour and trade union relations (Constitutional principles, laws, collective agreements). The role of case law in the application of labour and employment law. Workers' and enterprises' organisations. Collective bargaining (levels, objective and subjective effectiveness). Trade union rights in the company and anti-union behaviours. Individual employment contracts: the constitution and types of non-standard employment relationship. Self-employment, subordination and contractual relationships. The organisation of the company and its articulation. Temporary work, transfer of business, contracts/procurements and secondments. New forms of remuneration linked to the economic performance of the enterprise and workers' participation. Dismissal and resignation. The protection of workers' rights.
W. Chiaromonte, M.P. Monaco, M.L. Vallauri, Elementi di diritto del lavoro, Giappichelli, 2023 (chapter XVII excluded)
Learning will be verified with an oral exam on the main topics. Workshops about case studies and activities within the Experior projects (only for attending students) can be taken into account for the final exam (1/3 of the final mark for each activity).
Teaching is organized in lectures and discussions with active and critical participation of the attending students to develop interactive learning. Seminars with experts and operators (lawyers/labour judges, labour consultants, HR and/or industrial relations managers) and workshops held by students volunteers will be organised. Every year the lecturer assesses the feasibility of Experior projects linked to teaching (www.experiorproject.it). Materials, in support of the referral text (handouts, slides and/or documents related to practical cases), will be available on the e-learning platform of moodle.unive.it before the classes.
The Department of Management has signed an agreement with the Order of Labour Consultants of Vicenza and an agreement with the Order of Labour Consultants of Venice, aimed at students of the bachelor's degree in Business administration - curriculum Business administration and of the master's degree in Accounting and finance to carry out the first part of their professional internship during university studies.
To complete the knowledge on the subject it is suggested to attend "diritto delle relazioni industriali e nuove tecnologie" and "new technologies and labour rights".
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/05/2023