Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM7460 (AF:461320 AR:250378)
Blended (on campus and online classes)
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
The course "Specialised Translation for Tourism, Accessibility and Inclusion - English" is one of the core subjects of the Master's Degree Course in Interpreting and Publishing Translation and is positioned in the 2nd year of the course. The course will accompany students in the acquisition of knowledge and skills pertaining to the specialised use of the English language through translation methodologies. The overall teaching objective is the learning and applied use of specialised translation in the field of tourism from an English/Italian contrastive perspective and, in addition, the acquisition of semi-professional skills in the revision of written text in English. The teaching consists of a 30-hour semester blended module and 25 compulsory hours of translation practice (esercitazioni) to supplement the teaching of the official module in order to consolidate acquired knowledge in practice and to carry out practical exercises in small groups consisting of a multimodal tourist itinerary created for a specific type of visitor(CEFR level C2). Post-editing techniques will be introduced as well as the use of softwares and web applications, e.g., Office suite, Adobe suite, Aegisub, Canva, etc. In fact, these hours are intended as an integral part of the final profit examination.
At the end of the course, students will be able to understand and produce specialised texts in the field of tourism in Italian and in English at a C2 CEFR level; they will also be able to revise tourism texts from and in English; they will have attained the communicative skills that will enable them to recognise and explain the translation strategies used; they will be able to apply the terminology of linguistics and translation to motivate their translation choices and illustrate them in class. Also, the will be able to carry out information mining activities using search engines and corpora and to use post-editing techniques as well a few softwares and web applications.
They will also be able to process and study the material provided by the teacher in the course of the course with a good level of autonomy and good self-assessment skills with respect to the acquisition of metalinguistic content and their competence in English.

Pre-requisites of this course are an advanced level C1+/C2 of the QCER and an excellent competence of Italian. A level of autonomy in the study method already acquired and a substantial cultural background will favour a more rapid acquisition of the skills taught in the course.
The six-month module aims to transmit and consolidate the following contents:
1. In-depth analysis of text types in tourism texts in Italian and English. Examination of text types and evaluation of appropiate translation strategies to meet specific communicative needs.
2. Stylistic and textual aspects of tourism texts from a contrastive perspective.
3. Acquisition of tourist text terminology .
4. Revision and reformulation activities of tourist texts in English, preceded by information mining activities using search engines and corpora.
5. Acquisition of theoretical and methodological skills to explain the translation strategies used to produce analysis, commentary or evaluation of translations.
6. Acquisition of post-editing techniques and use of softwares and web applications, e.g., Office suite, Adobe suite, Aegisub, Canva, etc.
As for the esercitazioni, they will focus on the development of a group project work, consisting of a textual tourist itinerary created for a particular type of visitor. (CEFR level C2).

Texts, articles and written material will be provided on the moodle course linked with the lessons (password will be provided).
- Pierangela Diadori, Tradurre per il turismo da e verso l'italiano, Franco Cesati Editore 2022 ISBN 978-88-7667-912-4
- Giacomo Benelli et al., The Illustrated Survival Guide, Translators, Maurizio Corraini Editore, 2020, ISBN 978-88-7570-855-6
The examination consists of a written test that will take the form of a group project work in the field of tourism translation or a revision of a specialised translation in the tourism sector in English. Students will be divided into small groups to work on different aspects of the project. The groups will be self-managed with a view to peer-to-peer learning and each member will also have a specific role within their group, e.g. group leader, proofreader etc. Timing and deadlines for this work will be indicated during the course. These works will be coordinated during the practical "esercitazioni" hours.

Lessons will be in English and in Italian with both lectures and interactive activities.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/02/2024