Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT0062 (AF:460235 AR:288792)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Class 2
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
The course of Lingua Tedesca 2, consisting of Prof. Cognola's module (30 hours, 2 semesters) and the year-long language exercises (about 150 hours) taught by the language expert collaborators (CELs), constitutes the second stage of a path that, over a three-year period, is intended to lead students to acquire key notions and skills in phonology, morphology, syntax, vocabulary, sociolinguistics, text linguistics and translation such as to enable them to move confidently in the different text types and registers of the German language. The exercises (Deutsch als Fremdsprache, DaF) aim to lead students to reach, in the three-year period, the C1 level of the Common Frame of Reference for Languages (CEFR) in the four skills.
1) Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge of complex syntactic structures of the German language; knowledge of modality in German and of text linguistics; knowledge of different German text types and their linguistic characteristics; knowledge of the morphosyntactic, lexical and textual elements necessary for communication in German at the B2/B2+ level.

2) Applied knowledge and comprehension skills:
Metalinguistic reflection on complex syntactic and textual structures of the German language. Ability to use appropriate terminology in the analysis of texts presenting such structures. Ability to understand a university lecture on a linguistic topic. Ability to read and understand texts of different kinds, with different functions and different linguistic features. In general, ability to produce (at B2 level) and understand (at B2+ level) written and oral texts in German.

3) Autonomy of judgment:
Ability to recognize complex structures of the German language peculiar to different communicative situations and registers. Ability to recognize among a range of alternatives the best translations of phenomena discussed in class. Expressing a personal and original position on current topics, also taking into account cross-cultural aspects. Ability to independently solve problems of understanding and interpreting texts in German.

4) Communicative skills:
Receptive skills at B2+ level, e.g., ability to follow university lectures and classes, news reports and films. Ability to understand news articles expressing a point of view.
Productive skills at B2 level, e.g., ability to express and argue one's point of view on a social and/or (inter)cultural issue, both orally and in writing. Level B2 interactional skills, e.g., being able to communicate with a degree of spontaneity and fluency sufficient to interact normally with native speakers. Ability to intervene in the classroom, virtual classroom and tutorials.

5) Ability to learn:
Ability to take notes during a university lecture. Ability to use bilingual and monolingual dictionary appropriately. Ability to use language resources on the Internet. Ability to use virtual classroom tools (Moodle).
Knowledge and abilities acquired in the course Lingua Tedesca 1.
The course is articulated in two parts:
1) Prof. Cognola's module (30 hours, 2 semester) aims to provide an introduction to the syntax of the German language in its different written registers and in different text types (Textsorten). In addition, the course will address the topic of modality in German from a contrastive perspective with Italian. Through the analysis and translation of real language examples from texts belonging to different text types and different registers, the module aims to consolidate and expand the students' command of the German language, with particular regard to the lexical, morphological and syntactic level. At the conclusion of the module, students will be able to recognize the main phenomena of advanced German syntax, analyze them and translate them into Italian correctly, also in relation to the specific text type in which they appear.
After a brief overview of the written German language, with particular regard to the notion of Textsorte within text linguistics, and after discussing the basics of the syntactic structure of German (topologisches Modell), the following phenomena will be illustrated during the lecturer's module:
syntax, function and translation of textual connectors of German;
realization of modality in German, with emphasis on syntax, function and translation of modal particles;
types of passives in German (weden-Passiv; Zustandspassiv; bekommen-Passiv / Rezipienten-Passiv) and syntax, function and translation of the passive in written German;
syntax, function and translation of the Pro-Formen of German (pronouns and Pro-Adverbien);

The theoretical work of explaining syntactic phenomena will be accompanied and supported by translation work that students will do partly on their own. For each lesson of the course, students will be asked to read some short texts in German and translate parts of them. The translations will be commented on during the lectures by the lecturer, who will highlight their lexical, syntactic and morphological peculiarities.

2) The language exercises taught by the language assistants (CELs), (in semester I and II) are aimed at developing written and oral, receptive, productive and interactive skills. They discuss texts, including newspaper articles, on social and cultural issues (study, work, interpersonal relationships, health, emotions, nature, environment, food, etc.) as a starting point for in-class activities (reading/listening, discussion, written productions), also aimed at the acquisition of vocabulary and complex grammatical structures.

Specialized tutoring (offered by advanced students or doctoral students; the activation will be communicated through Moodle): exam preparation (doing and discussion of mock exams of all exam's parts); written production exercises (Leserbrief), also in small groups.
*** Mandatory texts for Prof. Cognola's module:
Slides and materials to be found on the course Moodle page;
Fandrych, Christian & Thurmair, Maria (2011), Textsorten im Deutschen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg. Capitolo 1, capitolo 5
Pittner, Karin, Einfuehrung in die germanistische Linguistik. 2. Auflage, Darmstadt: WBG. Kapitel 5 "Syntax" (Seiten 86-124)

***Supplementary readings:
Cognola, Federica & Moroni Caterina Manuela (2022), Le particelle modali del tedesco. Caratteristiche formali, proprietà pragmatiche ed equivalenti funzionali in italiano. Roma: Carocci.
DUDEN, Die Grammatik. 10. Auflage

*** Mandatory texts for the language exercises:
Birgit Braun, Nadja Fügert, Friederike Jin, Klaus F. Mautsch, Ilse Sander, Nicole Schäfer, Daniela Schmeiser, Kompass DaF B2.1, Deutsch für Studium und Beruf Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos. Klett.
Birgit Braun, Nadja Fügert, Friederike Jin, Klaus F. Mautsch, Ilse Sander, Nicole Schäfer, Daniela Schmeiser, Kompass DaF B2.2 Deutsch für Studium und Beruf Kurs- und Übungsbuch mit Audios und Videos. Klett.

***Supplementary readings:
Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, LEHR- UND ÜBUNGSBUCH DER DEUTSCHEN GRAMMATIK – AKTUELL NEUBEARBEITUNG, Ismaning: Hueber 2012, 392 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-307255-9 ) oppure nella versione italiana: Hilke Dreyer, Richard Schmitt, GRAMMATICA TEDESCA CON ESERCIZI – NUOVA EDIZIONE, Ismaning: Hueber 2013, 360 pagg. (ISBN 978-3-19-047255-0).
Gerhard Helbig, Joachim Buscha, DEUTSCHE GRAMMATIK. EIN HANDBUCH FÜR DEN AUSLÄNDERUNTERRICHT, Berlin [etc.]: Langenscheidt 2001 (o edizione successiva).

***Monolingual dictionaries:
WAHRIG DEUTSCHES WÖRTERBUCH, Gütersloh: Bertelsmann 2011, 1728 pagg. (ISBN 978-3577075954) [anche: ed. Zanichelli 2007, ISBN 9788808166760] o altra edizione (disponibile anche con CD-ROM), oppure:
DUDEN UNIVERSALWÖRTERBUCH, Mannheim: Bibliographisches Institut 2011 (7a ed.), 2112 pagg., (ISBN 978-3411055074) oppure con CD-ROM (ISBN 978-3411714247) o altra edizione (disponibile anche con CD-ROM).

***Bilingual dictionaries:
IL NUOVO DIZIONARIO DI TEDESCO. DIZIONARIO TEDESCO-ITALIANO, ITALIANO-TEDESCO, di L. Giacoma e S. Kolb, Bologna: Zanichelli 2009, 2672 pagg., (ISBN 978-8808177681) o altra edizione (disponibile anche con CD-ROM)
Test 1. Prof. Cognola's module
WRITTEN EXAMINATION: The lecturer module aims to test the acquisition of theoretical-formal knowledge in the area of German language syntax, including from a German-Italian contrastive perspective. The written examination aims to test the following knowledge:
(a) Translation of a short German text containing one or more phenomena covered in lectures;
(b) theoretical closed-stimulus question with open-ended answer on one or more linguistic phenomena present in the passage to be translated;
(c) exercises (e.g. syntactic analysis) on the phenomenon/phenomena under consideration.
In evaluating the examination, the determination of the final grade takes into account the following elements:
(a) adequacy in the translation and in the answers and solution of the exercises in relation to the skills the student is expected to have acquired by the end of the course; (b) completeness in the answers and in the demands into which the exercises are divided in relation to the skills the student is expected to have acquired by the end of the course; (c) ability to articulate the answers to the questions in a logical and clear manner; (d) mastery of the specific terminology of linguistics.
Duration: 75 minutes.

ORAL TEST: Candidates who have passed the written module examination are admitted to the oral test, which takes place approx. 1 week after the written one. The ability to expound and discuss linguistics topics covered in the module part is tested. In case of insufficient test, the results of the written test remains valid for the remaining appeals of the academic year. Duration: 15 minutes.

Test 2. Grammar test (filling and transformation exercises, without vocabulary), 60 min.
Test 3. Written expression (Leserbrief), with monolingual vocabulary, 90 min.

Students will be offered the opportunity to take Test 2 (grammar test) and Test 3 (written expression) in itinere.
Students will be offered the opportunity to take Test 2 (grammar test) and Test 3 (written expression) in itinere, during the second semester.
Test 1 is offered ONLY during the regular appointments, while the other tests can be taken either in itinere or in the regular appointments. The in itinere tests are identical in structure, examination topics and duration to those offered in the regular "appelli". To participate in the prove in itinere it is necessary to hand in for correction the mock exams that will be discussed by the CEL during their lesson. Mock exams can be handed in during the day or send by email/uploaded in Moodle according to the indications and deadlines given by the CELs. Who hasn't handed in the mock exams can participate in the prove in itinere as exercise.
The results of individual examination tests (either in itinere or during appeals) remain valid for other appeals in the same academic year. As long as all parts are not passed, the student must re-register for the exam in order to take the missing part. If the student does not pass all parts of the exam by the January "appello", the results achieved up to that time will be cancelled. In calculating the overall grade for German Language 2, individual tests have the following weights: test 1 = 60%; test 2: 15%; Test 3: 25%.
Front lesson, discussion, group activities, oral presentations, activities in the virtual class (Moodle).
Prof. Cognola's module will be taught in German and Italian; the CEL exercises classes will be in German.

Lingua tedesca 2, classe 1:

Lingua tedesca 2, classe 2:

It is not possible to give the exam with the module programme of previous academic years.
written and oral
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/07/2024