Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT001Q (AF:460043 AR:253020)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The teaching is part of the teaching courses characterizing the "Languages, Civilization and Language Sciences" degree course and aims to introduce students to the field of Hispanic-American literatures and cultures, as well as to provide them with the conceptual and methodological tools to move within this field of study.

The course has the following objectives:
1) to provide basic cultural and literary knowledges in the Hispanic-American context, as well as the ability to understand literary texts in the reference context;
2) to apply the acquired knowledges to the texts that will be analyzed in class;
3) to develop the ability to elaborate critical ideas in the field of study;
4) to develop the learning skills necessary to undertake subsequent studies with a high degree of autonomy.
The prerequisites to access the course are a good knowledge of the formal register, written and oral, of the Italian language and the knowledge of spanish language (B1 level).
Hispanic America: a hundred names, a hundred faces.
The course will be divided into three main parts:
1. At first, students will be presented with an introduction to the problem of the "name" in Hispanic America as an instrument of colonization of the imaginary and cultural domain, as well as an overview of the "faces" that characterize cultures and Hispano-American literatures and which, on the other hand, contribute to the emancipation of the continent.
2. In the second part of the course, will be presented the main historical figures who in the epochs of the "conquest" and the colony of Hispanic America, as well as in the twentieth century, constituted fundamental points of reference for cultural and literary translation as a strategy of construction and deconstruction of identity.
3. The third part will provide for the reading and critical-cultural analysis of a selection of Hispanic-American texts that are particularly significant in the literary and cultural fields.
An anthology will be furnished during the course. It will contain selected texts written by the authors that will be considered in the course:
-Horacio Quiroga, "El almohadón de pluma", in Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (1917)
______________ “A la deriva”, in Cuentos de amor, de locura y de muerte (1917)
-Miguel Ángel Asturias, "Leyenda del Volcán", in Leyendas de Guatemala (1930)
-Lydia Cabrera, "Arere Marekén", in Cuentos negros de Cuba (1940)
-Jorge Luis Borges, “Las ruinas circulares”, in Ficciones (1944).
-Julio Cortázar, “Casa tomada”, in Bestiario (1951)
_____________ “Lejana”, in Bestiario (1951)
-Elena Garro, "La culpa es de los Tlaxclatecas", in La semana de colores (1964)
-Guadalupe Nettel, Petalos (2008)

-Oviedo, Jose Miguel, "Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", volumi III e IV, Madrid, Alianza, 1997.

-Barrera Lopez, Trinidad (coord.), "Historia de la Literatura Hispanoamericana", Madrid, Catedra, 2008.
-Bellini, Giuseppe, "Nueva historia de la literatura hispanoamericana", Madrid, Castalia, 1997.
-Lopez Baralt, Mercedes, "Para decir al Otro: Literatura y antropología en nuestra America", Madrid-Frankfurt am Maim: Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2005.
-Rojas Mix, Miguel, "I cento nomi d'America", Firenze, Le Lettere, 2006.
Knowledges about the cultural contexts and the literary poetics of Hispanic America in the considered periods, as well as the ability to understand literary texts, will be verified through a written final examination.
The lessons will be carried out according to the conventional method (frontal lessons) and will be held in Italian. The exam will consist of an oral examination in Italian on the cultural and literary notions, authors and texts considered in the classroom.
More critical and teaching materials will be offer during the classes. Ç
Moreover, every student is recommended to follow additional lessons and round-table conferences that may be held between September and December 2022.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Natural capital and environmental quality" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/03/2023