- Academic year
- 2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LM3140 (AF:459593 AR:251546)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Subdivision
- Surnames A-L
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- SPS/06
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
Expected learning outcomes
(a) the consolidation and deepening of critical knowledge of some of the major turning points in the international history of the 20th and early 21st centuries;
(b) a secure knowledge of the literature on international politics and energy issues during the 20th century, with emphasis on the 1970s;
(c) the development of an ability to formulate original and grounded interpretations of the interactions of various international actors with the changing energy landscape of the 1970s;
(d) the development of the ability to critically create, read and interpret a bibliography of international history, and to make critical judgments about international affairs based on sound historical knowledge, beyond the specific subject matter of the course itself;
(e) the development of the ability to communicate one's knowledge with coherence, clarity and precision, and to participate in informed debates about international affairs;
(f) the development of the ability to deepen one's knowledge in the field of international history independently.
Referral texts
Recommended readings (for all)
L. Scott, "International History of the Twentieth Century", in J. Baylis, S. Smith and P. Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics, 2016
M. Cox, “From the end of the cold war to a new global era?”, in J. Baylis, S. Smith and P. Owens (eds.), The Globalization of World Politics, 2016
Anthony Best et al., International history of the 20th century and beyond, 2015, chaps. 8 and 13
R. Graf, "Energy History and Histories of Energy", Docupedia-Zeitgeschichte, 2023
R. Graf, "Making Use of the 'Oil Weapon': Western Industrialized Countries and Arab Petropolitics in 1973–1974", Diplomatic History, 2012
F. Petrini, "Public Interest, Private Profits: Multinationals, Governments, and the Coming of the First Oil Crisis", Business and Economic History Online, 2014
G. Garavini, "Completing Decolonization: The 1973 ‘Oil Shock’ and the Struggle for Economic Rights", The International History Review, 2011
N. Gilman, "The New International Economic Order: A Reintroduction", Humanity Journal, 2015
G. Garavini, After Empires, 2009, pp. 243-272 (and notes)
D. Wight, Oil Money. Middle East Petrodollars and the Transformation of US Empire, 1967-1988, 2021, pp. 60-84 (and notes)
O. Skorokhodova, "The Double Shock: The Soviet Energy Crisis and the Oil Price Collapse of 1986", in D. Basosi, G. Garavini and M. Trentin, Counter-Shock. The Oil Counter-Revolution of the 1980s, 2018
C. Bonneuil, P.-L. Choquet, B. Franta, "Early warnings and emerging accountability: Total’s responses to global warming, 1971–2021", Global Environmental Change, 2021
Suggested readings (recommended for non-attending students)
M. Trachtenberg, The Craft of International History, 2006
A. Best et al., International history of the 20th century and beyond, 2015, chap. 4
G. Arrighi, “The world economy and the Cold War, 1970-90”, in M. Leffler and O.A. Westad (eds.), The Cambridge History of the Cold War, Volume 3, 2010
Giuliano Garavini, The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the 20th Century, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2019, pp. 216-300
D. Basosi, "Oil, Dollars and US Power in the 1970s: Re-Viewing the Connections", Journal of Energy History, 2020
D. Basosi, "Lost in transition. The world's energy past, present and future at the 1981 United Nations Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy", Journal of Energy History, 2020
S. Kotkin, "The Kiss of Debt. The East Bloc Goes Borrowing", in N. Ferguson et al., "The Shock of the Global: The 1970s in Perspective", 2010
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development