Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM1910 (AF:459553 AR:255877)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of INTERNATIONAL LAW
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The first part of the course in International Law seeks to build up the necessary skills and knowledge to understand theories and practice of International Law.
The student must :

A student must be able to know and understand the fundamental rules of International Law and be able to use it for legal reasoning.

A student must show the ability to understand and interpret rules and judgements of different legal systems, using and analyzing sources of International Law

A student must show to have the skills to identify issues and potential solutions inside the relationships between domestic and international law, and be ready to find solutions to international legal issues.

Students must show their ability to clearly communicate their observations and analysis in discussions during lectures and seminars.

Student must show to possess of methodological techniques in bibliography and case-law research and demonstrate to have acquired the skills to study with a high degree of autonomy.
Some basic knowledge of Law is expected.
There has never been a more exciting time to study International Law. Issues of International Law are at the forefront of public debates be they on globalisation, armed conflicts, diplomacy, human rights, international organisations, transnational corporations or dispute resolution. International Law today shapes decisions by States, it penetrates into domestic legal systems giving rights event to individuals and companies. This course is intended to introduce students to concepts and problems of international law and of the international legal system in its structure and functioning. The course will cover traditional major topics in this field such as the sources and subjects of international law, the jurisdiction of states, international law and the use of force, and the relationship between international law and domestic law of states. It will also address other important topics such as the international law of human rights. The course will review and discuss a number of international law cases decided by national and international tribunals, as well as certain treaties, resolutions and other international legal instruments of importance.
The primary focus of this course is upon International Law, which is traditionally considered to encompass the binding normative rules and principles dealing with the conduct of states and of international organizations and with their relations inter se. At the same time the role of Non State actors and the effect of international law upon private activity will be highlighted.

- The Ambit of International Law
- The Principles of the International Legal System
- States, IGOs, NGOs, Individuals and transnational corporations
- The sources of International Law
- Treaty Law
- International organizations and their Law making power
- The European Union and its Law
- International Law and Domestic Law
- Jurisdiction (in particular: the Law of the Sea)
- Immunities
- International Human Rights Law.
- International Disputes Settlement Law.
For those (foreign) students who can speak and understand italian the reference book is: F. MARRELLA, D. CARREAU, Diritto internazionale, 4 ed., Milan, Giuffré-Francis Lefebvre, 2023.

Otherwise, English speaking foreign students (i.e. Erasmus) may prepare the exam on the textbook by M. Evans (ed), International Law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018, or later edition if available) or other reference textbooks (provided they are approved by the instructor).

French speakers may use the textbook by D.Carreau, F. Marrella, A. Hamann, Droit international,13 éd., Paris, Pedone, 2022.

For the Private International law Part, all students must study: M.C. BOGDAN, Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law, Europa Law Publishing, 2nd ed., 2012, pp.1-170.

- All students shall consult the ERG (Electronic Resource Guide) website for a hands on approach to International Law: .
There will be a written exam (essay questions, about 3 hours).
Candidates who are declared to be admissible may - if they wish so - ask to sit for an oral examination. This test consists of questions covering the whole of both "public" international law and private international law.
written and oral
A blend of lectures and discussion over issues covered in the textbook. Some cases and/or videoclips may be used to increase interaction and discussion of topics.
The instructor may assign a dissertation work to those students having actively attended his lectures; who have obtained a high grade in this course and know at least two foreign languages.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "International cooperation" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 13/09/2023