Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM6400 (AF:458615 AR:291958)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course ‘Concepts and Methods in International Relations' is a course of political science. It introduces students of the curriculum "Global Studies" (RIC) to the key vocabulary and core methodological approaches in Political Science and International Relations. It is taught in English.
This seminar aims at introducing Master students to some of the foundational concepts and approaches in Political Science and International Relations. The course aims at achieving three objectives:

1) a good understanding of key methodological approaches
2) a critical knowledge of key concepts in Politics and International Relations
3) a solid comprehension of the importance of research questions for analytical thinking and research proposals.

Participants in this course will acquire a robust knowledge of the key terms, concepts and methodological approaches in International Relations and Political Science. This knowledge will enhance their analytical skills, prepare them to write strong research proposals with compelling research questions, and empower them to express their views pertaining to international politics. The advanced level of student involvement in the course will also allow participants to improve their presentation and discussion skills.
6 ECTS in History/Political science.

A basic knowledge of International Relations Theories would be useful. Students who have never attended a class in International Relations or Political Science should consider reading in advance the following short introduction to the core themes of International Relations:

Reus-Smit, Christian. 2020. International Relations. A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Part A
Key methodological approaches
Critical thinking and writing
Research question
Thesis design
Methodological approaches

Part B
Key Concepts in International Relations and Political Science
Heywood, Andrew. (2015). Key Concepts in Politics and International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan, London.

The text will be available on Moodle. In addition, additional texts will be uploaded for each session.

Students can choose between two forms of assessment.

A) Presentation in class and essay
In this option, students make a presentation of a concept in class and write an essay on the same concept. To profit from this option, students need to be present in the first week or ask a colleague to represent them. The final grade will be the average of these two pieces of work.

B) Final essay
Students who opt for this form of assessment will write an extended essay or a research proposal at the end of the semester on Moodle. In this work, students need to demonstrate knowledge of approaches and concepts as discussed in class.
Lectures, obligatory readings before the sessions, presentations, and discussions in class.
Students will benefit most from he course, if they choose to make presentations in class and participate in the discussions.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 19/02/2024