Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LMI120 (AF:458359 AR:288830)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course History of the Spanish Language is an interdisciplinary educational activity for the Iberian Studies Curriculum of the Master's Degree Programme in European, American and Postcolonial Language and Literature and aims to provide students with advanced knowledge of historical linguistics in order to carry out a textual and philologial analysis of Spanish language.
This course consists of a half-year learning module. The overall objective of this course is provide students with an advanced knowledge of morphosyntactic changes of the Spanish language
1. Knowledge and understanding
Morphosyntactic changes of Spanish language.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding
Identify and describe the main morphosyntactic changes of the Spanish language; identify major historical stages of Spanish language by recognising the main phases of morphosyntactic evolution.
3. Making judgments
Ability to connect the historical stages of Spanish language with the modern standard of Spanish language and its geographical varieties, also from a diachronic point of view; ability to understand the origin of linguistic diversity of Spanish language and its causes; ability to carry out in an advanced level a philological analysis of a historical text in Spanish language; ability to use electronic resources for the autonomous study of the history of the Spanish language.
4. Communication skills
Ability to apply the terminology of historical linguistics to describe the morphosyntactic changes of Spanish language; ability to explain the main morphosyntactic features of the historical stages of Spanish language; ability to explain properly the change phenomena.
5. Learning skills
Basic ability to self-assess the acquisition of the course contents; ability to increase knowledge by autonomously using the bibliographical references.
Knowledge of the main phonetic-phonological changes and the main historical periods of the Spanish language (knowledge acquired through the interdisciplinary educational activity of the literatures and culture curriculum of the Languages, Civilisation and the Science of Language Programme) and ability to implement the acquired knowledge to move forward onto the study of the history of Spanish language at an advanced level. Basic notions of linguistics applied to Spanish language and a linguistic competence at C1 level (CEFR) of Spanish language acquired through the core educational activities of Spanish Language 1, 2 and 3 in the common curriculum of Languages, Civilisation and the Science of Language programme).
1. Origins and evolution of the Iberian Peninsular languages.
2. Nouns. Case loss. Gender and number. The adjective. Comparatives and superlatives.
3. Determinants (I). Article. Demonstratives. Possessives.
4. Determinants (II). Quantifiers: numerals, interrogatives and relatives.
5. Pronouns. Stressed pronuns. Address forms. Unstressed pronouns (leísmo, laísmo and loísmo).
6. Verb (I). Inflectional classes. Verb paradigms: roots and endings. Verbal tenses. Creation and development of the future and the conditional tenses. Non-finite verb forms. Passive voice.
7. Verb (II). Mood. Imperative. Subjunctive. Aspect. Verbal periphrases
8. Verb (III). Argument structure. Differential object marking. Prepositional objects.
9. Adverb. Lexical adverbs. -Mente adverbs.
10. Prepositions. Conjunctions.
11. Discourse markers.
Cano Aguilar, Rafael (coord.) (2005): Historia de la lengua española. Barcelona: Ariel [IBERIS Cons. E 675].
Company Company, Concepción (coord.) (2006-2014): Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española. México (Primera parte. La frase verbal; Segunda parte. La frase nominal; Tercera parte. Preposiciones, adverbios y conjunciones. Relaciones interoracionales): México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Fondo de Cultura Económica [IBERIS Cons. E 515.1-2; E 515 3/1-3; BALI-Americanistica, Iberistica e Slavistica].
Lapesa, Rafael, Historia de la lengua española. Madrid: Gredos [IBERIS Cons. E/7].
Lloyd, Paul M. (1993): Del latín al español I. Fonología y morfología históricas. Madrid: Gredos [IBERIS Coll. 20.236.1].
Penny, Ralph (1993): Gramática histórica del español. Barcelona: Ariel [IBERIS Cons. N 60], [2ª ed. (2008), IBERIS Cons. E 576], [Versión original en inglés (1991), BAUM 460.921 PENNR].
Pons Rodríguez, Lola (2010): «Los marcadores del discurso en la historia del español», en O. Loureda Lamas y E. Acín Villa (eds.), Los estudios sobre marcadores del discurso en español, hoy. Madrid: Arco/Libros, pp. 523-616. [IBERIS Cons. E 601]
Pons Rodríguez, Lola (2011): La lengua de ayer. Manual práctico de historia del español. Madrid: Arco/Libros [IBERIS Cons. E 617].
A written part consisting of a multiple choice test (15 items) and a linguistic analysis of an old text in Spanish language regarding morphosyntactic phenomena (15 points). Duration: 90 minutes.
Conventional. Frontal lessons.
The course will take place during the second semester. Non-attending students are required to contact the lecturer at the beginning of the second semester.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 20/01/2025