- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- LMI980 (AF:458332 AR:288274)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- L-LIN/06
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
The course aims to deepen knowledges of cultural issues and dynamics characterizing Hispanic American territories, using the supra-national and supra-cultural category of fairy tales as a privileged hermeneutic instrument of investigation.
Objectives of the course are: to deepen the specific knowledge of cultural problems of the Hispanic American subcontinent; provide methodological tools aimed at the analysis of the most significant Hispanic American literary productions of 20th and 21st centuries intended, on the one hand, as cultural documents and, on the other, as aesthetic creations; develop reflection skills on the literary texts proposed, recognizing in them the use and construction of structures derived from fairy tales, as well as the dynamics of symbolic and cultural deconstruction and (re) semantization connected to them.
Expected learning outcomes
1. In this sense, the first objective of the course is to offer students the theoretical basis of analysis of the syntax and structure of the fairy tale through an overview of the most important studies related to it.
2. The second objective is to develop the technological, terminological and documentation tools to be able to interpret literary texts from a cultural and narratological point of view.
3. The third objective concerns the ability to apply the acquired knowledge. The theoretical tools learned will be applied to texts selected from the most important expressions of Hispanic America of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The texts will be analyzed and commented from a cultural and critical-literary point of view in their original elaboration in Spanish, in order to help students to develop the ability to identify cultural issues and problems.
4. Finally, the course aims to develop the ability to learn issues and tools offered during the course, as well as communication skills.
The course aims to provide an overview of the most significant rewritings of European-born fairy tales within the Hispanic American literary and cultural productions of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries with the purpose of highlighting the deconstruction of patriarchal and phallocentric discourses, and knowledge of they are bound, as well as the construction of new identity proposals.
The course will be divided into two main parts:
1. At first one students will be provided with general theoretical elements of analysis of the syntax and structure of the fairy tale, through the presentation of an archeology of the main studies on fairy tales and an exposition of the main theoretical lines as a cultural product and appropriate element from literature.
2. In the second part we will analyze a selection of twentieth and twenty-first centuries Hispanic American texts focused on the rewriting of fairy tales as strategy of deconstruction and construction of knowledges linked to it. In this phase, students will also be invited to choose one or more of the proposed themes or texts and develop a presentation during the lesson.
Referral texts
-María Luisa Bombal, “La historia de María Griselda” (1946)
-Rosario Ferré, “La bella durmiente”, Papeles de Pandora (1976)
____________ “Un cuento envenenado” (1985)
-Gabriel García Márquez, “El avión de la Bella Durmiente” (1982), Doce cuentos peregrinos (1992)
-Silvina Ocampo, “Jardín de infierno”, Cornelia frente al espejo (1988)
-Luisa Valenzuela, “Si esto es la vida, yo soy Caperucita Roja”, Simetrías (1993)
______________ “No se detiene el progreso”, Simetrías (1993)
______________ “4 Príncipes 4”, Simetrías (1993)
_______________ “La llave”, Simetrías (1993)
- María Negroni, “Sleeping Beauty”, El viaje de la noche (1994)
_____________ “Cuento de hadas”, El viaje de la noche (1994)
-Lojo, María Rosa, “La hora de secreto”, Historias ocultas en la Recoleta (2005)
-María Teresa Andruetto, La Durmiente (2010)
-Alberto Sánchez Argüello, “Zapatilla”, De antifábulas y ficciones (2012)
______________________ “Confesión”, De antifábulas y ficciones (2012)
______________________ “Más grande”, MicroMundos (2012)
-Giovanna Rivero, “Piel de Asno”, Tierra fresca de su tumba (2022)
-Areta, José María, “La máscara del lenguaje en Cuentos de Hades de Luisa Valenzuela”, en Espéculo. Revista de estudios literarios, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2007.
-Bettelheim, Bruno, Psicoanálisis de los cuentos de hadas, Barcelona, Editorial Crítica, 2020.
-Calvino, Italo, Sulla fiaba, Milano, Mondadori, 2019.
-Cannavacciuolo, Margherita, “Cuando las hadas son lo de menos: «Piel de asno» de Giovanna Rivero, Bulletin of Spanish Studies (in corso di stampa).
-Fernández Aguirre, Alma Rosa, “María Griselda: de hada a bruja”, FILHA. Revista Digital, 9.
- Lombello Soffiato, Donatella, “Analizzare una fiaba. Pelle d’asino: suggestioni letterarie e considerazioni pedagogiche”, 2018.
-Paley Francescato, Martha, “un cuento de hadas contemporáneo (envenenado) de Rosario Ferré”, Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana, Año XX, núm. 39. Lima, 1994; pp. 177-181.
-Regazzoni, Susanna, “Cuando la curiosidad te salva. El Barbazul de Luisa Valenzuela”, en Silvana Serafin, Emilia Perassi, Susanna Regazzoni, Luisa Campuzano (eds.), Más allá del umbral. Autoras hispanoamericanas y el oficio de la escritura, Sevilla, Renacimiento, 2010, pp.213-234.
__________________ “«Lo exótico es el otro, o soy yo». Espacio y tiempo en el relato de viaje: Condesa de Merlin y Luisa Valenzuela”, in Verba Hispánica, XX, 2, 2012, pp. 273-283.
-Genette, Gérard, Palinsesti, Torino: Einaudi, 1997.
- Fernández Rodriguez, Carolina, La Bella Durmiente a través de la historia, Universidad de Oviedo, Servicio de Publicaciones, 1998.
-Oviedo, José Miguel, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid: Alianza, 2001 (capitoli riguardanti gli autori trattati).
- Pinkola Estés, Clarissa, Mujeres que corren con los lobos, Barcelona, Penguin Random House, 2020.
-Rak, Michele, Logica della fiaba: fate, orchi, gioco, corte, fortuna, viaggio, capriccio, metamorfosi, corpo. Milano: Mondadori, 2005.
- Rodari, Gianni, Gramática de la fantasía. Introducción al arte de inventar historias, Barcelona, Hogar del Libro, 1976.
- Von Franz, Marie-Louise, L'ombra e il male nella fiaba, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1995.
______________________ Il femminile nella fiaba, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2007.
______________________ Le fiabe interpretate, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 2019.
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Should the covid health emergency affect the course attendance, the lessons will be carried out online in synchronous and asynchronous mode.
The exam will consist of an oral interview in Spanish on the authors, the texts and the issues considered in the classroom.
Further information
Moreover, every student is recommended to follow additional lessons and round-table conferences that may be held between September and December 2024. In particular, students are warmly invited to participate in the international congress "Hipócrates y sus artigianato: enfermedad, medicina y retórica fantástica en las literaturas hispanoamericas (siglos XX y XXI)" which will take place on 10 and 11 October 2024.
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development