Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM005X (AF:458269 AR:287996)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course consists of the 30-hours whole class teaching and the language classes held by the lectors and language experts, Dr. Tat’jana Ermakova and Dr. Natal’ja Smykunova. During the course some of the most challenging topics of Russian grammar and syntax will be addressed, including verbal aspect, the use of lexicon, clause structure, and communicative strategies: the aims of the course will be pursued through the comprehension, the interpretation and the reworking of texts reflecting the C1 level set up by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).
Students are expected to interact properly (according to the linguistic parameters of the C1 level) in different kinds of situations; create every kind of text in Russian, both in the form of written papers and oral presentations, while showing to be able to interact properly in a conversation on specialized topics; translate in Italian scientific and literary texts rich in complexity, constantly self-evaluating the appropriateness of their own work.

1) The course aims at making students develop a deeper knowledge of Russian language (towards the C1 level) and acquire advanced skills for analyzing the language in a comparative framework, both with their mother tongue and between the geo-sociocultural varieties pertaining to different stylistic registers.
2) It also aims at making students understand every kind of written and oral texts, including those high in complexity and idiomaticity. Particular attention will be devoted to literary and scientific texts related to the literatures and cultures linked to the corresponding course of study, in order to reflect on the use and the choice of different stylistic registers.

Students will learn how to:
1) Understand and adequately interpret literary and informative texts, rich and complex in content, as well as spontaneous oral interactions;
2) Adequately react in various kinds of situations (working, private, in/formal), according to the linguistic parameters of the C1 level;
3) Write every kind of text in Russian, even those highly specialized with regards to the lexicon and the register employed;
4) Analyze and sum up, both in written and oral form;
5) Translate in Italian different kinds of texts, especially of literary nature, while pondering over the translational act.

Students are expected to:
Pick up and trace useful material in order to develop their linguistic skills; use autonomously all the useful resources to study the complex linguistic structures of Russian; refer to the most adequate biliographical sources for delving into the topics dealt with during the course; properly interpret and elaborate complex texts written in Russian.

Get to use Russian in order to create written and oral texts for social and professional relationships, including academia. Master the linguistic nomenclature in order to describe and analyze complex linguistic phenomena. Understand, analyze, interpret and translate various kinds of texts.

The students will be able to study and do research in complete autonomy, as well as pick up and use authoritative sources through all the available resources, aiming at improving their own linguistic skills and keeping on doing research for their graduate thesis.
RUSSIAN LANGUAGE – LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION 1. Knowledge of the Russian language at the B2/C1 level (according to the CEFR).
The course is divided into two parts:
1. During the lessons held by the tenured professor it will be addressed some complex topics of Russian syntax and it will be adopted some strategies for interpreting literary texts and essays. Moreover, it will be read, analyzed and translated some excerpts from XX century literary texts, essays, and monographies.
2. Basing on the reading and the analysis of the articles written by some of the most influential and representative authors and leaders of the public and cultural life in contemporary Russia, the summary work (referat) with Dr. Ermakova aims at identifying the main pieces of information, subdividing every text in smaller informative blocks, labelling their genre, formulating the main thesis and the subsequent “microtheses”, evaluating autorship. It will be adopted a specialized lexicon, standardized expressions and constructs, and some particular syntactic and grammatical structures (according to the parameters of the C1 level).
During Dr. Smykunova’s language classes spontaneously produced dialogues and texts with reference to exist problems of post-Soviet Russia, including issues of youth, work, the university system and its innovations, religious life etc.), will be taken into account. A closer look will be taken to the lexicon and the specific structures of colloquial language, phraseology, sayings, the inappropriate use of verbal forms, and some syntactic peculiarities.

In addition, students are meant to read and translate on their own 170 pages of texts written in Russian. The tenured professor will arrange them in advance with the same students. Please note a page is equal to a 2000 characters sheet, spaces included.
Salmon L, Teoria della traduzione, Franco Angeli, Milano 2017.
Malinin N., Tradurre il russo, Carocci, Roma 2012.
Dobrovolskaja Ju., Il russo: l’abc della traduzione, Cafoscarina, Venezia 1997.
Fici F., Jampol'skaja A., La lingua russa del 2000. Le forme verbali dell'italiano e del russo. Problemi di interpretazione e di traduzione, Le Lettere, Firenze 2009.
Lasorsa C., Jampol'skaja A., La traduzione all'Università, Bulzoni, Roma 2001.
Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja Ju., Sintassi russa. Teoria ed esercizi, Hoepli, Milano 2005.
Мощинская Н. В., Разинкина Н. М., Русская культура: диалог со временем, Русский язык. Курсы, Москва 2015.
Косарева Е. В., Хруненкова А. В., Время обсуждать: учебное пособие по речевой практике для иностранных студентов филологов, Москва 2018.
Ласкарёва Е. Р., Прогулки по русской лексике, Златоуст, Санкт-Петербург 2010.
Bibliographical information will appear at the course web page or will be given during lectures.
Students will select the pages to read in accordance with the professor at the beginning of the course. They will select at least 100 pages from these literary works:
L. Ulickaja, "Lestnica Jakova", "O tele duši"
E. Vodolazkin, "Aviator", "Brisben"
The expected goals will be verified through a written (1. a + 1. b) and an oral test (2):
1. The written test consists of the presentation, the summary and the autonomous reworking of the contents of a text written in Russian (1. a) and the Russian-Italian translation of an excerpt from a contemporary Russian literary work (1. b). It is allowed to use bilingual and monolongual dictionaries, while the use of books, notes and electronic devices is strictly forbidden. The overall duration of the test is 4 hours and 30 minutes (2.30 h for the subsection 1. a, 2 h for the subsection 1. b).
2. The oral test will approximately last 40 minutes and will cover all the topics dealt with during the whole class teaching and the language classes. Students are required to know and expose them in a proper and comprehensive way. During the test it will also be verified the reading and the knowledge of the aforementioned 170 pages.
The final mark will match the exact average of the marks obtained in both the written and the oral part.
written and oral
The tenured professor will hold both frontal classes and seminar activities. Special attention will be devoted to the translational act and the theoretical reflection linked to it, which calls for the active participation by the students.
Those who won’t be able to attend the whole class teaching and/or the language classes are kindly asked to get in touch with the tenured professor at the beginning of the course.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/03/2024