Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0626 (AF:456718 AR:249734)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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The course is part of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Environmental Sciences, as it provides students the tools to carry out environmental measurements using innovative and high-tech instruments such as Unoccupied Aircraft Systems (UAS). These instruments have the advantage of combining the high resolution typical of ground surveys and the speed of acquisition typical of remote sensing techniques.

In general, the course's learning objectives enable students to: i) develop their knowledge in the field of proximity remote sensing applied to environmental sciences; ii) develop skills in analyzing collected data in order to transform data into knowledge; iii) acquire skills in planning measurement and survey operations of natural and urban environments legally and ethically, in compliance with current regulations.

These course's learning objectives contribute to the achievement of the educational objectives of the Bachelor's Degree Course in Environmental Sciences, providing the student with knowledge of innovative and high-potential tools for carrying out environmental measurements, transforming the collected data into knowledge necessary to achieve the objectives of environmental studies or applications.

The course has professional nature and provides the necessary knowledge to train professionals working in the field of environmental surveying and measurement using UAS, commonly referred to as drones.
1. Knowledge and understanding
- Learn about the historical evolution of low-altitude aerial platforms for remote environmental surveying.
- Learn the basic characteristics of the different categories of UAS and the physical forces acting on them and understand their operation.
- Learn the reasons why UAS technology is considered a revolution in environmental science and understand its application potential.
- Learn the basics of how UAS surveying methodology can be applied to achieve the objective of the study (scientific or professional activity).
- Learn, at the state of the art, in which applications of environmental science such platforms can facilitate the process of data collection and to understand how this can lead to the development of new knowledge.
- Learn the global evolution of the legislation governing this sector.
- Learn the European regulatory path that led to the integration of UAS in the airspace, learn some elements of this regulation and understand how to operate in this field in compliance with European regulations.
- Learn elements of the ENAC (National Civil Aviation Authority) regulation that integrated the European regulation and understand how to operate in this sector in compliance with national regulations.
- Learn a methodology for surveying using UAS and understand how to apply the methodology to the case study.
- Learn elements of UAS operating procedures and operations and understand how to operate UAS.
- Learn methods to process data collected through UAS systems and understand how to use and integrate them with other platforms.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
- Know how to correctly use the regulatory tools that allow UAS operations in different risk categories.
- Being able to identify how surveying operations with UAS can contribute to the achievement of new knowledge in the field of environmental science.
- Knowing how to plan a UAS flight plan to achieve the objectives of the application.
- Knowing how to recognize possible risks associated with UAS operations.
- Knowing how to apply methods to process data collected through UAS.

3. Judgement
- Knowing how to evaluate which UAS platform is most suitable to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the application (scientific or professional) in the specific field of the environmental sciences.
- Know how to assess the risks associated with UAS operations and, if possible, find solutions to mitigate them.
Having achieved the educational objectives of MATHEMATICS AND EXERCISES – 1, – 2 and GENERAL PHYSICS even without necessarily having passed the examinations of these subjects.
The training activities of the course “Survey methods using Unoccupied Aircraft Systems for the Environmental Sciences” include theoretical lectures and two practical exercises using software.

Theoretical lessons are divided into three main teaching units.

The first unit aims to provide students with basic knowledge of UAS technology and how it is applied in environmental science disciplines. In particular, the historical evolution of low-altitude aerial platforms for remote environmental surveying is initially framed. Subsequently, the characteristics of UAS are presented where it is possible to learn about the different types of UAS and their operational capabilities, the physical forces acting on the different types of UAS, the safety devices of UAS, the different flight modes, and the potential and limitations of this new technology for measurements and surveys in the field of environmental sciences. Applications of this technology in different disciplines of the environmental sciences are also presented, showing the added value of using data collected by UAS systems in different fields of research. This last part also enables the student to develop judgement skills regarding the most suitable type of UAS for a specific case study. This unit aims to provide the student with the basis for understanding how UAS technology can be applied to help achieve the objective of the study (scientific or professional activity).

The second unit initially provides the student with knowledge about the evolutionary framework of UAS legislation at a global level, and then frames the evolution of legislation at a European level. The first part of this unit aims to provide the student with the basics of the legislation that currently regulates and governs activities with UAS. This unit also presents the operational procedures for operating UAS safely according to current legislation. Following current legislation, this unit presents i) the categories of operations that can be conducted with UAS defined according to risk class, ii) the levels of remote pilot certificates of competence and how to obtain them, iii) limitations in different airspaces, iv) confidentiality and data protection, and finally v) the planning UAS operations.

In the third unit, data acquisition methods and the different sensors that can be used in UAS systems for applications in the environmental science fields are presented. This unit aims to provide the student with the tools to learn how to acquire and process data collected via UAS. Part of the unit focuses on the Structure from Motion (SfM) method, which enables the transformation of (2D) images of a scene into a georeferenced or scaled 3D model where it is possible to measure and observe changes in the characteristics of the study area/object over time.

The first practical exercise will focus on the analysis of data from a UAS survey of a coastal environment. The exercise will involve using the SfM method to transform the images available to the students from a UAS field survey into a digital terrain model and a geo-referenced orthophotomosaic of the study area.

In the second practical exercise, the student can use the SfM method to reconstruct the 3D model of an object or area of his choice.

The exercises will be carried out in groups defined by the students.
BOOK: Eltner, Anette, et al., eds. UAVs for the Environmental Sciences: Methods and Applications. wbg Academic in Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft (WBG), 2022. Free download at the link

Course on-line ENAC su come si diventa Pilota UAS (drone) Open A1/A3 Regolamento UAS-IT Edizione 1 del 4 gennaio 2021 Free download at the link

European Regulation: Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947 of 24 May 2019 on the rules and procedures for the operation of unmanned aircraft. Free download at the link

Italian Regulation: Regolamento ENAC UAS-IT del 04.01.2021 Free download at the link
The verification of learning takes place through a written test and the performance of the first group exercise. The groups are chosen by the students.

The written test is structured with multiple-choice questions on the topics presented during the theoretical lectures. The maximum mark for the written test is 26/30, which will be supplemented by the points obtained during the first practical exercise. The use of books, notes, electronic media is not permitted during the written test.

The practical exercise (first exercise) involves the delivery of a report that is partially generated automatically during the exercise itself. Some additions to this report relating to the work done during the exercise will be requested. The exercise provides a maximum mark of 4, which will be added to the grade for the written test.

The final mark is made up of the sum of the mark for the written test and the points obtained in the practical exercise.
Theoretical lectures and practical exercises. The teaching materials for the theoretical lectures will be made available on the University's Moodle e-learning platform.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 24/02/2023