Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT002J (AF:452574 AR:246428)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
9 out of 18 of KOREAN LANGUAGE 1
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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Korean Language 1 mod. 1 is one of the core courses within the China and Japan curricula of the Corso di Laurea in "Lingue, Culture e Società dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea".
1) Language knowledge and language comprehension:
Complete the knowledge of grammatical structures of Korean at Beginners' level.
Knowledge and understanding of the usage of grammatical structures of Korean at Beginners' level (CEFR Level A1/A1+)

2) Ability to apply language knowledge and comprehension:
Ability to identify grammar categories and their properties.
Demonstrate a general comprehension of Korean grammatical structures for beginners.
Ability to describe constructs and grammatical phoenomena of Korean, acquired during the course.
Ability to make a correct use of terminology and basic tools of synctactic analysis acquired.
No prerequisites are indicated.
Here as follows the grammar contents of the first module of Korean Language 1.1:

1 lesson: Introduction of the Alphabet and system, syllables of Korean Language and Simple vowels
2 lesson: consonants, Patch’im, pronunciation rules (1), declarative ending/interrogative ending
3 lesson: Particle of topic (은/는), negative ending, to be / to have
4 lesson: Particle of subject (이/가), particle of place (에), demonstrative pronoun (이/그/저)
5 lesson: Pronunciation rules (2), adjectives, verbs, formal declarative ending (-ㅂ니다/습니다)
6 lesson: irregular verbs (1), particle of object (을/를), plural marker(들), and / with (하고)
7 lesson: particle of direction (에), too / also(도), of(의), imperative ending(-으십시오), irregular verbs (2)
8 lesson: negative imperative ending (-지 마십시오), semi-formal declarative ending (-아요/어요/여요)
9 lesson: irregular verbs (3), location nouns, particle of place (에서), number (native / sino Korean), date, time
10 lesson: particle of time (에), from / to(부터/까지), negative (안/-지 않다)
11 lesson: Shall I / we? (-을까요?), propositive (-읍시다), propositive negative (-지 맙시다), , pronunciation rules (3)
12 lesson: by / in (으로), from /to (에서/까지), past form(-았/었/였-), Korean classifiers, particle of classifiers(에)
13 lesson: frequency adverb, purpose (-으러 가다/오다), negative 2 (못/-지 못하다), want to do (-고 싶다), and/with (이랑)
14 lesson: particle of direction (으로), and (고), to (에게/한테) , from a person (에게서/한테서), honorific
15 lesson: particle of materials (으로), but (지만), irregular verbs (4)

These topics are treated from a grammatical point of view in lecture and later deepened with a native speaker.
King. Ross and Yeon Jae-Hoon, Elementary Korean, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo, 2004.

Additional readings:
- Soon Haeng Kang, 2000 vocaboli della lingua coreana. Livello base, Libreria Editrice Cafoscarina, Venezia, 2020.
- Ihm Ho Bin et al., Korean Grammar for International Learners, Yonsei University Press, Seoul, 2001
- Lee Iksop and Ramsey Robert S., The Korean Language, SUNY Press, New York, 2000.
- Martin, Samuel E., A Reference Grammar of Korean, Tuttle Publishing, Rutland Vermont & Tokyo, 1992.
- Sohn Ho-Min, Korean, Routledge, London and New York,1994.
- Sohn Ho-Min, The Korean Language, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999.

Further materials will be distributed in class.
Written test both in grammar and in language usage. Oral conversation with native speakers. The exam can be considered taken when the students gets at least 18 in every partial test.
written and oral
Teacher-led classes both in grammar and with the native speakers.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 12/06/2023