Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT008X (AF:452303 AR:308526)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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This course is part of the obligatory courses for students of LANGUAGES, CIVILIZATION AND LANGUAGE SCIENCES. The general aim is to provide students with the linguistic competences needed to understand the Russian language as it is used in Russian-speaking countries as well as in everyday communicative situations (both in general and in academic or specialized contexts) and to further consolidate the linguistic competences needed to understand the Russian language at a Threshold level (B1 on the CEFR). The achievement of these objectives allows the student to have the basis for learning foreign languages and cultures.
The course consists of a Professor’s module held in the first semester and a year round language practice course (“esercitazioni”) closely integrated with the module and coordinated by the Professor.
Knowledge and understanding:
The student will gain theoretical and applied knowledge of the Russian language as it is used in Russian-speaking countries (level B1 on the CEFR). The course will have a particular focus on the morphological system of Russian language.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
The student will be able to recognize and describe morpho-syntactic phenomena of Russian language; to interact in Russian language in formal and informal situations; to understand, analyse and produce autonomously oral and written texts in Russian produced in everyday context and translate non very complex texts from Russian into Italian.
Making judgements:
The student will be able to retrieve and use digital sources; to use communication strategies (B1 level); to analyse and discuss complex texts in Russian.
Communicative Competences: /Communication skills
The student will be able to recognize the differences between linguistic structures of Italian and Russian languages; to appropriately interact and communicate in a clear and well structured way with a limited number of mistakes (in so doing, the student will demonstrate they have reached the B1 level of the CEFR); to translate the different textual types.
Learning skills:
The student will be able to develop specific methodological tools in the study of the various materials (printed and in digital form). The student will be able to self-assess their progress with respect to their metalinguistic and communicative competence in Russian. In the following academic year, the student will take advantage of what they have learned in the Russian Language 2 course to study the contents of the Russian Language 3 course.
A2 level of the CEFR, obtained after having successfully passed the Russian Language 1 course.
The Russian Language 2 course is composed of two parts:
1. Professor’s module - Morphology and first elements of syntax (with particular attention to the Russian motion verbs and verbal aspects).
2. Language practice ("esercitazioni") with the CEL to develop the B1 level (written and spoken language).
The course will comprise the following articles: the formation and use of the imperative; the adjective (comparative and superlative); pronouns and indefinite adverbs; numerals (ordinals, cardinals and collective). The use of Russian motion verbs and verbal aspects will also be confronted.
Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja J., Magnanini E., Grammatica russa. Manuale di teoria. Livelli A1-B2 del Quadro Comune Europeo del Riferimento per le Lingue. Terza edizione. Hoepli, Milano 2018.
Соколовская К.А., 300 глаголов совершенного и несовершенного вида в речевых ситуациях.

Глазунова О.И., Грамматика русского языка в упражнениях и комментариях. Морфология.сборник+упражнений+по+видам+глагола&source=bl&ots=1
Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja J., Magnanini E., Nistratova S., Grammatica russa. Esercizi, Vol.1, Hoepli, 1919. (Livelli A1-A2)

Cevese C., Dobrovolskaja J., Magnanini E., Nistratova S., Grammatica russa. Esercizi, Vol.2, Hoepli, 1920. (Livelli B1-B2)

Natalia Nikitina, Grammatica d'uso della lingua russa. Teoria ed esercizi. Livello A 2, Hoepli, 2020.

I love Russian. 15 lessons for Elementary to Pre-Intermediate Students, A2. Liden&Denz, 2017.

Богомолов А.Н., Петанова А.Ю., Приходите!...Приезжайте!...Прилетайте! С.-Петербург, Изд-во "Златоуст", 2009.

Ласкарева Е.Р., Чистая грамматика, СПб, 2005.

The Russian Language 2 exam is composed of two parts: the written exam includes grammar test and translation from Italian into Russian; the oral exam consists of conversation in Russian and checking 50 pages of texts in Russian and translation of basic vocabulary from Russian into Italian (texts and vocabulary list can be found in Moodle).
Lectures (professor's module), Seminars (practice course).
The Professor’s module starts in the first semester. Language practice with the CEL starts in the first semester and will continue in the second semester.
written and oral
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 17/06/2024