Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LT011E (AF:451880 AR:247232)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
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This is one of the characterising courses within the "Near and Middle East" curriculum of the Corso di Laurea in "Lingue, Culture e Società dell'Asia e dell'Africa Mediterranea".
The course contributes to the attainment of the teaching goals of the Corso di Laurea in the cultural and humanities areas.
The course aims to give the students a general introduction to the Armenian culture, in both the literary and the artistic fields. In particular, the course aims to outline the specificity of the Armenian culture, which over the centuries has maintained a strong identity while actively interacting with many other cultures.
Knowledge and understanding::
- to know and understand the main aspects of the Armenian culture from the 5th century to the present
- understand the specificity of Armenian culture, which over the centuries has mantained a strong identity while actively interacting with many other cultures

Applying knowledge and understanding:
- to analyze the different aspects of the Armenian culture and its important intercultural dimension
- to develop a critical vision of Armenian culture that prepares students to appreciate its specificity

Making judgements:
- to produce critical judgments on the historical and cultural phenomena of the course
- to analyze various types of sources (academic and literarary texts) according to a critical approach
- to improve one's capacity to develop a multisided understanding of Armenian culture

- to express and re-elaborate the contents of the program in both written and oral form

Lifelong learning skills:
- to know how to take notes in an effective way
- to know how to critically integrate the study of different materials (notes, slides, manuals, creative texts, academic articles)
- to be able to independently study materials and topics not covered during the lectures
- to refine one's ability to study materials in English
No previous knowledge in the field is required.
1) Origin of the Armenian language and alphabet (lesson 1)
2) development of the literary genres and main exponents of the literary production (lessons 2-11)
3) main features of Armenian art (lessons 12-15)
AA.VV., Gli armeni, Milano, Jaca Book, 1988.
S. Hairapetian, History of Ancient and Medieval Armenian Literature, Los Angeles, 1986.
CANTO D'ARMENIA, Yerg Hayastani: in IN FORMA DI PAROLE, an. XVIII, 1998, la quarta serie, no. primo, gennaio-marzo.
G. Uluhogian, Gli armeni, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009.
A. Ferrari, Armenia. Una cristianità di frontiera, Il Cerchio, Rimini 2016
A. Ferrari, L'Armenia Perduta. Viaggio nella memoria di un popolo, Editrice Salerno, Roma 2019
A. Ferrari, G. Traina, Storia degli armeni, Il Mulino, Bologna 2020
M. Bais, M. Ruffilli (a cura di), Mondo armeno. Storia, cultura, arte, Tab Edizioni, Roma 2023
The exam consists of an oral examination on the literature program. Il takes into consideration the origin of the Armenian language and alphabet, the development of the literary genres and the most important exponents of the literary production, the main features of Armenian art.
Conventional, with powerpoint presentations.
Some lessons, dedicated to Armenian art, will be given by Dr. Marco Ruffilli
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 05/12/2023