Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0583 (AF:451629 AR:245341)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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This course is one of the fundamental educational activities of the degree curriculum in Environmental Sciences, and it allows the student to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the main concepts of Mechanics and Thermodynamics, which is a fundamental premise and background for the degree course, while developing the ability to use logical-deductive reasoning. A pivotal aspect of the course is its relevance concerning the aspects and applications of the environmental applications, in order to place the study within a wide perspective.

The educational objectives of this teaching are:
1) to develop the ability to solve common mechanics and thermodynamics problems, applying the main laws and fundamentals;
2) to enhance and stimulate the use of logical-deductive reasoning in solving problems and in general in activities related to the area of study;
3) to develop the ability to present scientific concepts and reasoning in a rigorous way, both orally and written.
1. Knowledge and understanding
1.1. To know and understand the main laws and fundamentals of physics concerning kinematics, dynamics, thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetism.

2. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
2.1. To know how to use the laws and physical concepts learned to solve theoretical and practical problems in a logical and deductive way.
2.2. To know how to correctly place the concepts learned in terms of application in the study of environmental systems.

3. Judgment skills
3.1. To know how to evaluate the logical consistency of the results to which the application of the physical laws learned leads.
3.2. To know how to recognize any errors through a critical analysis of the applied method and numerical results.

4. Communication skills
4.1. To know how to communicate both the knowledge learned and the effects of their application using the appropriate scientific language.
4.2. To know how to interact with the teacher and fellow students in a constructive way.

5. Learning skills
5.1. To know how to take notes in an exhaustive and rigorous way, also through interaction with peers.
5.2. To effectively select the sources of reference for studying, also through the interaction with the teacher, even for topics and examples that are not easily identifiable in a textbook.
It is key that the student knows how to master the mathematical concepts and methods necessary to tackle the course.
Introduction to the course and its contextualization within the Degree Course. International system of units of measurement. Reference system.

Position, speed, acceleration. Uniform rectilinear motion, uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion, circular. Motion in the plane. Radial and transverse velocity, tangential and centripetal acceleration. Angular velocity and acceleration.

Concepts of force and mass (inertial). Newton's first law. Newton's second law. Classification of forces. Strength and weight, constraint reactions. Newton's third law. Static, dynamic, viscous friction. Elastic forces in one dimension. Simple harmonic motion. Work of a force. Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy theorem. Power of a force. Potential energy. Conservative systems: mechanical energy and its conservation. Energy balances.

Definition of center of mass. Theorem of motion of the center of mass. Conservation of momentum. Moment of momentum. Moment of a force. Cardinal equations of dynamics. The rigid body. Moment of inertia. Translational motion and rotational motion. Static equilibrium of rigid bodies, cardinal equations of statics.

Density. Pressure. Stevino's law. Pascal's principle. Communicating vessels. Hydraulic jack. Barometer to Hg. Archimedes' principle. Motion of a fluid: Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions. Flow lines and pipes. Scope. The ideal fluids. Bernoulli's theorem. Venturi tube. Cohesion, tension, capillarity.

Heat and temperature. Temperature scales. Thermal capacity, specific heat. Internal energy. First law of Thermodynamics.

Electric fields, electric potential

Resistors, Capacitors

Fields generated by current

Maxwell's equations

General description of the phenomena, interference, diffraction
As a support for studying, any university-level physics textbook containing the basic notions of classical mechanics and thermodynamics and electromagnetism is acceptable. Proposals will be discussed with the teacher. Eventually, the student will show the teacher the text for approval.
The method of verifying the student's learning consists in passing a mandatory written test. The written test consists of a series of theory questions and exercises to be solved numerically justifying the methods used for the solution. This test aims to verify that the student has acquired the concepts presented during the lessons and is able to apply them consistently and consistently in order to solve problems. In general, only the use of a scientific calculator and consultation of a form is allowed during each written test. The exam is passed with a minimum acceptable grade of 18/30 and a maximum grade of 30/30 (possibly cum laude).
The teaching is organized in both theoretical and practical lectures. Teaching materials projected in the classroom will also be present on the University moodle platform.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 14/03/2023