Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0366 (AF:451420 AR:255914)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The aim is to provide the fundamental concepts of Analytical Chemistry to determinate compounds of environmental interest in real matrices (drinking waters, seawater, waste waters and sediments) and to use the more suitable techniques and instrumentation. The student will learn the essential basic procedures to ensure a good laboratory practice. The first laboratory module is focused on learning classic techniques for chemical analysis: preparation of solutions with a known concentration, practical foundations of gravimetric and volumetric analysis. The second module is focused to experiment instrumental analytical techniques. All the exercises will be carried out on real environmental matrices.
The course scope is to give the practical capacity to determine components of environmental interest in real matrices using the fundamental concepts of analytical chemistry. The student at the end of the course will be autonomously able to carry laboratory analysis to quantify different analytes by classical volumetric analysis and instrumental analysis. Moreover, the course will give the capacity for a critical interpretation of chimico-analytical data in order to define the environment quality. One essential scope of the course is to explain the motivations behind every laboratory operation. The final scope is to give at the student the capacity to apply analytical protocols also different from those tested in the laboratory course and to understanding its meaning.
Basic knowledge of general and inorganic chemistry.
BEFORE attending the experimental laboratory activities, it is mandatory to obtain the document certifying the achievement of training in the field of safety in the workplace (pursuant to Legislative Decree 81/2008 and subsequent amendments).
Laboratory safety: prevention and protection in the analytical chemistry laboratory.
Description (in class) of theoretical aspect and the experimental activity for the following laboratory experiments, insights on some instrumental techniques.
Gravimetric determination of sulphates in water sample. Determination of: total acidity of waste industrial waters (potentiometric titration), of OD in sea water, of Ca and Mg in drinkable water sample, (complexation titration). Stoichiometric calculations relating to experiences.
Determination of metals in natural water by optical emission spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma source (ICP-OES).
Deternination of aliphatic hydrocabon by gas chromatography (GC).
Determination of soluble ions by ion chromatography.
D. A. SKOOG, D. M. WEST, F.J. HOLLER, Fundamental of Analytical Chemistry, International Student Edition, EdiSES, Padova.
Lecture notes.
During laboratory experiments, the students will be invited to discuss with the teacher the results obtained during the experimental activity and to interpret the collected data. After each experiment, the students must present a report containing the experimental data and the elaboration carried out to obtain the final result. The test is aimed at verifying whether students have learned the required basic knowledge of the methods and elaborations need to properly express the results of laboratory analyzes.
Lectures and experimental laboratory activities. Preliminary lectures will be carried out to explain the motivation of each experimental operation and to give a detailed description of the laboratory practical operations, particular attention will be devoted to ensure safety in the laboratory and the sustainability of operations (management and disposal of used chemicals). The laboratory activities give the opportunity to autonomously apply the acquired knowledge by the adequate accuracy and precision.
The attendance of lectures and participation at the practical laboratory activities is extremely important to have an adequate preparation; therefore, the student who has a total number of absences to laboratory activities greater than 2 may have difficulty passing the final test.
If the student does not regularly attend the theoretical/practical lessons, he can still take the final exam, however this is strongly discouraged.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 05/03/2024