Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CT0006 (AF:451310 AR:256603)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
6 out of 12 of DATABASE SYSTEMS
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
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The course "Basi di Dati - Module 2" is one of the foundational activities in the Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science. It complements the contents of the first module, providing students with a comprehensive overview of database systems from the perspectives of database administrators and programmers. The course contributes to the program’s educational objectives by developing methodological and practical skills in the use and management of both relational and non-relational database systems.
Knowledge and understanding:
- Understand the fundamental principles of database normalization theory.
- Grasp key techniques for relational database administration.
- Gain foundational knowledge of non-relational data models (NoSQL).

Applying knowledge and understanding:
- Apply normalization theory to design efficient relational schemas
- Configure and manage relational databases by implementing triggers, procedures, and security policies.
- Develop applications that interact with both relational and non-relational databases.

Making judgements:
- Assess the efficiency and consistency of relational database systems regarding normalization and administration.

Communication skills:
- Clearly communicate design choices and technical solutions related to database management and usage.
To follow the course effectively, students should possess:
- Knowledge of imperative programming and basic object-oriented programming concepts.
- Proficiency in SQL and foundational database modeling (provided by Module 1).
- Database normalization theory and algorithms for achieving normal forms and finding the schema's keys.
- Advanced SQL for database administration (triggers, procedures, security management).
- Application development for database interaction using programming languages (e.g., Python, Java).
- Introduction to non-relational data models (NoSQL) and an overview of major NoSQL DBMS.
A. Albano, G. Ghelli, R. Orsini. Fondamenti di Basi di Dati. Zanichelli, 2005. ( )
H. Garcia-Molina, J. Ullman, J. Widom - Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2008
Verification of learning is carried out together with the other module of the course and takes place through a written test, the realization of a project and an oral test. The written test lasts 3 hours and consists of 5 exercises which aim to verify:

For Module 1 (worth 50% of the final mark):
1) the ability to design the conceptual schema of a database and the acquisition of the methodology to transform the conceptual schema into a relational schema,
2) the ability to query SQL.

For Module 2 (worth 30% of the final mark):
3) knowledge of the notions and algorithms related to the theory of normalization,
4) the ability to adequately administer a database through the definition of triggers, procedures and appropriate security practices,
5) the ability to write application code that interfaces with a database and to represent knowledge through non-relational models.

The project will contribute to the remaining 20% of the final mark of the course.

The written test can be replaced by passing two intermediate tests (the first during the winter session and the second in conjunction with the first session of the summer session). The first intermediate test verifies the skills 1) and 2) while the second intermediate test evaluates the knowledge 3), 4) and 5). The intermediate tests are considered passed if both have achieved a score greater than or equal to 17. Those who do not pass one of the two intermediate tests will have to face the entire written test in one of the subsequent sessions. During the written test, the use of books, notes, and electronic media is not allowed.
written and oral
Frontal lectures and exercises.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 27/01/2025