Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0320 (AF:448559 AR:253447)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
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The teaching is characteristic both for the degree course History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age and for the "modern" path of History of the arts and conservation of artistic heritage. The proposed activities prepare students to specialize in European and non-European history through a full mastery of the epistemological foundations of historiographical practice and methodologies of investigation of different types of sources, including the original ones. The teaching of Venetian History is characterized on the historiographic level both for its geographical and chronological references. The geographical area concerned is in fact constituted, for the modern age, by the territories that were subject to the Habsburg administration of the first half of the Nineteenth century. The teaching then pushes to face the fate of a region that, after having belonged to several political domains (Serenissima Republic, Napoleonic Kingdom and, infact, Austrian Empire) entered in 1866 to become part of the new Italian State. The themes addressed are mainly political and social, but particular attention is paid to all those aspects that constitute, both narrative and historical. The cultural dimension of a region that for centuries belonged to a large Italian territorial State. Concepts such as cultural heritage and identity are an expression of a long historical and ideological process that was enucleated throughout Europe since the Renaissance and then met more accomplished form between the Eighteenth and the Nineteenth centuries. The course will focus on themes and problems that were inserted in this historical-political process, proceeding to a historiographical operation of deconstruction of the rhetoric and the narrative through which they were elaborated. Political and institutional reality can thus be re-examined in its actual social and cultural dimension.
The teaching of Venetian History aims to relate the history of the large region that for more than thirty years belonged to the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia to the one that, more generally, characterized the European countries and the Mediterranean area during the modern and contemporary age. For these reasons, students are expected to achieve a thorough knowledge of the characteristics that distinguished Venetian history in the more general European context. In particular, those who will take the exam will have to be able to grasp the more specific aspects of the cultural tradition of the area examined, comparing them to some of the great social and political transformations that characterized European history. It is also expected that students will be able to correctly interpret the documentary sources at the philological and more specifically historical levels in order to communicate them in the most appropriate way.
It requires a knowledge of the general lines of European history of the modern and contemporary age. Even if it is not considered a mandatory requirement, it is advisable to attend courses in History of political and social institutions, History of the Republic of Venice and History of the Mediterranean.
The course focuses on the relations between the forms of power that characterized the polycentric State of the modern age and the different forms of administration and justice that placed it in relation to the society of the time. In particular, we will focus on the issues of the peculiarities of the so-called second Habsburg administration and the application of the Austrian Universal Penal Code of 1803 (1815) in that territory both in a condition that we could define 'physiological', and in a so-called 'state of emergency' following the revolutionary movements of 1848.
For attending students, the exam will take place on the notes from the lessons. For non-attending students, the exam will consist in the study of the following texts:

- M. Bellabarba, L’impero asburgico, Bologna 2014, Il Mulino.
- L. Rossetto, Il commissario distrettuale nel Veneto asburgico: un funzionario dell’Impero tra mediazione politica e controllo sociale (1819-1848), Bologna 2013, Il Mulino.
- L. Rossetto, Potere e giustizia nel Veneto di Radetzky: la Commissione militare in Este (1850-1854), Venezia 2019, Marsilio.
The exam aims to verify the critical abilities of the student through an oral examination lasting about thirty minutes. In particular, it will be ascertained to what extent the student has learned the topics and problems addressed during the course, elaborating them on a personal level.
The teaching will be carried out through interactive lectures also using, possibly, the transcription of archival documents. It could be also used sources available on web.

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 09/03/2023