Academic year
2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FM0213 (AF:448518 AR:249865)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Go to Moodle page
The course entitled History of Medieval Art I is the first module of Medieval Art, the second module of which is the History of Medieval Art 2 course held by prof. Simone Piazza. The course is taught by prof. Piazza and Agazzi from the a.y. 2022-23. Together the two modules form the 12 cfu course Medieval Art sp (FM0249), teaching that falls within the historical-artistic disciplines characterizing the path of "Medieval and Byzantine Art" of the master's degree course in History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage. Individually, the teaching (with code FM 0213, 6 credits) falls within the similar and integrative aspects of the "Modern Art" path of the same degree course; it is also among the related and supplementary courses of the degree courses of Italian Philology and Literature (FM4) and History from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Age (FM7).
Getting to know medieval works and contexts, placing them within a broader - even historical - perspective.
The main objective is to make known the early medieval sculptural materials mostly referable to liturgical furnishings, architecture and burials, allowing students to acquire skills on: typologies; techniques; iconographic and decorative motifs; formal qualification in the various phases of the early Middle Ages; contexts and commissions.
Furthermore, it aims at:
acquire autonomy in judging critical literature and the ability to autonomously evaluate the early medieval sculptural production;
Acquire autonomy in directing a research on a theme/object relevant to the topic of the course (agreed and guided by the teacher).
Acquire communication skills in presenting one's own research in a seminar setting.
Acquire skills in writing a scientific text.

Having taken the examination of Medieval Art History at a three-year level.
For students of other degree courses, having taken the exam of Medieval Art History is preferable but not essential.
The course proposes the study of early medieval sculptures of Venice by analyzing materials connected to specific sites (the churches of Santa Eufemia in Grado, Santa Maria Assunta in Torcello, San Marco in Venice, SS. Maria and Donato in Murano) or preserved in museums (Lapidary of Grado, Provincial Museum of Torcello, Sant'Apollonia Museum, Archaeological Museum of Venice). Different phases of surviving sculptural production will therefore be studied (mainly 7th-8th century; 9th century) by contextualizing the materials in the reference architectures (when possible); reconstructing functions and evaluating coherent groups trying to recognize peculiarities and relationships with contemporary Italian and European sculpture.
Students will have to deepen some aspects and/or analyze sculptures from museums and churches in the Veneto area.
The main bibliography of general orientation will be provided at the beginning of the course and partly made available on the moodle platform; further bibliographical information will be provided to students after the choice of the topic for individual study. The materials projected during the lessons will be available on the moodle platform
Students are invited to present a topic for individual study during the second period or in the final seminar. The topic exposed will be the subject of the written report to be submitted 1 week before the oral exam. The report will be discussed during the oral exam. The assessment will therefore take into account both the presentation in the classroom and the written report. The maximum evaluation will be given to works of particular originality, the subject of critical in-depth studies, exhibited with properties, presented in an edited written form, with a mature argumentative structure. A good evaluation will take into account the work carried out, the exhibition and the final draft, recognizing the elements acquired.
written and oral
The course will be divided into two blocks:
- in the first block (I period of the teaching calendar) lectures will be held by the teacher, making useful materials available on the MOODLE platform from time to time (literature and powerpoint) ;
- in the middle of the course a list of possible topics will be proposed of individual study that will have to be exposed in the final seminar. - visits and inspections will be organized during the first (1 exit) and the second period (1 exit);
- in the second period other lectures by the teacher will be held and seminar reports by students will be organized, taking into account the fact that at the same time students enrolled in the medieval course will have to follow the second module held by professor Piazza.
Attendance of the course is recommended. Students who cannot attend will have to agree on the program with the teacher at the reception. Bibliographies will not be provided by e-mail without an interview.
Ca 'Foscari University applies Italian law for services to students with disabilities or with specific learning disabilities. In the event of a disability (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010), it is possible to request support by contacting the Disability and SLD office: disable@unive.it. Information on the web page: https://www.unive.it/pag/9232/

This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Human capital, health, education" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development

Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 01/07/2023