Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
FT0209 (AF:444891 AR:289734)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Bachelor's Degree Programme
Educational sector code
3rd Term
Course year
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The course belongs to the basic training activities of the degree course in philosophy, within the framework of the teachings of the historical-philosophical area. The course aims at deepening the characterising plexuses of philosophical reflection in the period from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, developing a punctual knowledge of the fundamental texts of contemporary thought and identifying its characterising figures, schools, themes and problems.
1. To know the history of contemporary philosophy in its fundamental themes, problems and figures;
2. Recognise the essential features of the systems of thought and philosophical works dealt with;
3. To acquire the correct terminology in expressing the concepts and problems expounded by the authors studied;
4. Know how to connect philosophical thought with the more general themes of contemporary culture.
Knowledge of the general outlines of the history of contemporary philosophy acquired through high school education.
Time is out of joint. Endless time and time without end. History of some figures of intratemporality in contemporary thought and culture: patience, waiting, inertia, haste, anxiety, impatience and boredom.
Classroom readings in seminar format of excerpts from the following texts:
H. Bergson, Saggio sui dati immediati di coscienza;
H. Bergson, Durata e simultaneità;
M. Heidegger, Essere e tempo;
M. Heidegger, Concetti fondamentali della metafisica;
E. Minkowski, Il tempo vissuto;
G. Deleuze, Fuori dai cardini del tempo;

Secondary sources:
A. Tagliapietra, I cani del tempo. Filosofia e icone della pazienza, Donzelli, Roma 2022;
A. Tagliapietra, Il filosofo come gaffeur. Per finirla con l’eroismo del pensiero, in “Il Pensiero. Rivista di filosofia” LVII (2018), n. 1, pp. 29-45.
M. Cometa, Gli dei della lentezza. Metaforiche della “pazienza” nella letteratura tedesca, Guerini e Associati, Milano 1990;
H. Blumenberg, Tempo della vita e tempo del mondo, il Mulino, Bologna 1996;
G. Bompiani, L’attesa, Feltrinelli, Milano 1988;
Byung-Chul Han, Il profumo del tempo. L’arte di indugiare sulle cose, Vita e Pensiero, Milano 2017;
E. Borgna, Le figure dell’ansia, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015;
R. Caillois, I demoni meridiani, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 1999;
R. Garaventa, La noia. Esperienza del male metafisico o patologia dell’età del nichilismo?, Bulzoni Editore, Roma 1997;
A. Sparziani, G. Boccali (a c. di), Le virtù dell’inerzia, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2006;
L. F. H. Svendsen, Filosofia della noia, Guanda, Milano 2004.
H. Weinrich, Il tempo stringe. Arte ed economia della vita a termine, il Mulino, Bologna 2006;

For those wishing to supplement their prerequisite preparation, we recommend reading G. Fornero e S. Tassinari, Le filosofie del Novecento, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2002.
The examination will consist of an oral colloquium in which students will have to demonstrate their knowledge of the texts commented on in class and of the general framework of the subject matter presented during the course (lecture notes, presentations, slides and excerpts made available in the documents section of the university). Relevant indicators in the assessment of the exam: 1. Ability to deal with the required topics in a cross-critical manner; 2. Correctness, clarity, synthesis and fluency of presentation; 3. The student's active participation during the lessons contributes to the final assessment.
The teaching consists of lectures, in which the main texts of the authors studied will be read and commented upon, with the possible use of digital media and tools, viewing and commenting on videos, images, diagrams and conceptual schemes.
Students, including non-attending students, are advised that it is not possible to agree with the lecturer on a different examination programme. Any changes or amendments will be promptly reported exclusively on this website.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 03/03/2024