- Academic year
- 2023/2024 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- FM0554 (AF:444289 AR:252442)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- 6
- Degree level
- Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
- Educational sector code
- SPS/04
- Period
- 1st Term
- Course year
- 1
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
- reaching ad advanced knowledge of features and dynamics of contemporary societies with particular reference to contemporary welfare states.
- an advanced knowledge of new social risks and of the policies implemented for addressing them.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to provide advanced knowledge of approaches to social policies, particularly following the recent changes in the welfare state, including the emergence of new social risks and an austerity climate (post-economic crisis) which led to cuts in resources allocated to welfare. At the end of the course the student will have acquired:
- knowledge and understanding of the various welfare policy paradigms that have followed one another in the post-war period with particular reference to the social investment approach that has established itself in the last twenty years;
- a knowledge of the specific characteristics of the new social risks (framing of the phenomena, morphology, diffusion in Italy and in Europe) and of the interventions implemented to deal with them
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
After attending the course the student will know:
- critically analyze the approaches of contemporary social policies with particular regard to: Keynesian policies, neo-liberal policies and policies inspired by social investment;
- identify the trajectories of action of social policies in various fields
- identify the strengths and weaknesses of the Social Investment approach and of the attempts to apply it in Italy and Europe;
To achieve these objectives, the course includes several moments of discussion between students on the assigned materials, which must have been read previously. Students will also be asked to present some class readings to stimulate discussion.
Making judgments:
Students are invited to compare the various approaches and methodologies presented during the course, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses.
Learning ability
Knowing how to critically consult the reference texts (and related bibliographies) and the teaching materials on Moodle to make connections between different approaches and contexts.
Some concrete social policies will also be presented and analysed, chosen among those most connected to combating the new social risks: work-family conciliation policies and childcare policies; reception and integration policies for immigrants and refugees, housing policies and policies for homeless people.
Referral texts
1) Ferrera M. 2013 Neo welfarismo liberale: nuove prospettive per lo stato sociale in Europa, in Stato e Mercato, n.97. [Moodle]
2)Esping Andersen 2005 Le nuove sfide per le politiche sociali del XXI secolo. Famiglia, economia e rischi sociali dal fordismo all’economia dei servizi, in Stato e Mercato n.74/2005 [Moodle]
2)Taylor Gooby P. 2004 New Risks and social change, in Taylor Gooby (a cura di) New Risks, new Welfare.The Transformation of the European Welfare State [Moodle]
3) Ascoli U, Ranci C. 2014 Social Investment e innovazione sociale. Nuovi equilibri tra crescita economica, tutela dei diritti e coesione sociale, in Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 3/2014 . [Moodle]
4) Hemerijck A. 2018 Social Investments as a policy paradigm in Journal of European Public Policy, n.25/2018 [Moodle]
5) Crouch C. 2017 Welfare state come investimento sociale: per quali obiettivi? In La Rivista delle politiche sociali n.3/2017 . [Moodle]
6)Natili M. Jessula M. e Raitano M. 2021 Politiche per la casa e per i senza dimora in Italia. Sfide e prospettive in prospettiva comparata, OCIS [Moodle e online]
7)Hemerijck A. 2017 The Uses of Social Investment, Oxford University Press (capitolo 1 [pag.3-33] e un capitolo a scelta tra 19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26. [BAUM, Moodle e online]
8) Ascoli U, Ranci U, Sgritta G.B, Investire nel sociale. La difficile innovazione del welfare italiano, Il Mulino Bologna (Introduzione, capitoli I, II, III, conclusioni). [BAUM]
9)Ambrosini M. 2023 (a cura di) Rifugiati e solidali. L’accoglienza dei richiedenti asilo in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna. Introduzione e capitolo 1.
Assessment methods
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Teaching language
Further information
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals
This subject deals with topics related to the macro-area "Poverty and inequalities" and contributes to the achievement of one or more goals of U. N. Agenda for Sustainable Development