- Academic year
- 2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
- Official course title
- Course code
- CT0605 (AF:442734 AR:251566)
- Modality
- On campus classes
- ECTS credits
- Degree level
- Bachelor's Degree Programme
- Educational sector code
- L-ART/04
- Period
- 1st Semester
- Course year
- 2
- Moodle
- Go to Moodle page
Contribution of the course to the overall degree programme goals
It aims to provide the basic notions and methodological tools to orientate oneself in the theory and history of restoration and conservation, dealing with the material history of works of art in relation to the culture of each era, up to considering current issues.
Teaching objectives are: to acquire the specific terminology and theoretical concepts related to the restoration and conservation of works of art; to provide a solid historical and cultural framework of the main stages in the establishment of conservation and restoration practices from the Renaissance to contemporary times; to ensure knowledge of the methodological orientations in the field of conservation and their variations over the course of the various eras.
The achievement of these objectives will enable students to observe and recognise in works of art the traces of their passage through time and history; to identify the cultural reasons for the choices made for their conservation; to get to know the main figures who have carried out restoration activities or influenced through theoretical speculations on their definition; to interpret contemporary debates on the management and conservation of the artistic heritage with a conscious approach. The notions learnt will foster the ability to orient oneself with full knowledge of the major issues related to these themes in the present day and to develop skills useful for the interdisciplinary collaboration that characterises the future professional field.
Expected learning outcomes
- ability to apply knowledge and understanding: knowing how to consider mobile works of art with attention to the problems relating to their conservation and restoration, knowing how to critically analyze a restoration intervention, in relation to the history of restoration, to the currently shared theories and to the regulations in matter, knowing how to connect the material aspects with the cultural ones.
- ability to judge: ability to evaluate the conservative history of a mobile work of art, to understand the main transformations that have occurred with the restoration interventions undergone by the works over time and the cultural implications that have moved the choices made, ability to orient oneself in assisting operational choices.
- communication skills: ability to use the specific lexicon of restoration in an appropriate way to describe the state of conservation of a work of art and the transformations it has undergone over time, knowing how to connect present experiences with examples of the past and knowing how to compare on these issues with peers and teachers, participating in the dialogue between scientists and humanists.
- learning skills: to know the main operations related to a restoration intervention, to be able to recognize the marks left by these operations on a work of art; to be able to place the main restoration methods and practices in their historical evolution.
The course will open with an analysis of the specific vocabulary, and will then address the theoretical and practical problems related to the restoration of movable works of art, in particular paintings and sculptures.
The chronological and thematic nodes fundamental to the development and fine-tuning of restoration methods and practices connected to the various cultural moments from the 16th to the 19th century will be addressed, to arrive at the 20th century restoration charters and Cesare Brandi's theory, and finally to address the contemporary debate. The lectures will combine the exposition of theoretical problems with the reconstruction of case studies.
Referral texts
- Cesare Brandi, "Teoria del restauro" (1963), Torino 1977 (or later editions), pp. 3-47.
- Alessandro Conti, "Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d’arte" (1988), Milano 2002.
PLEASE NOTE: studying bibilography is a prerequisite for passing the examination.
Assessment methods
The exam aims to verify that the knowledge derived from the topics covered during the course has been acquired and the basic concepts set out in the reference bibliography and teaching materials available on the university's Moodle space have been metabolized.
The questions will mainly revolve around the topics covered in the lecture, but at least one of them will cover the contents of the compulsory bibliography.
PLEASE NOTE: students may choose to take the examination of the two modules separately or together.
Method of awarding grades
A. Scores in the 18-22 range will be awarded in the presence of:
- sufficient knowledge and applied understanding with reference to the syllabus;
- limited ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- sufficient communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language;
B. marks in band 23-26 will be awarded in the presence of:
- discrete knowledge and applied comprehension skills with reference to the syllabus;
- discrete ability to collect and/or interpret data, making autonomous judgements;
- fair communication skills, especially in relation to the use of specific language;
C. scores in the 27-30 bracket will b eawarded in the presence of:
- good or very good knowledge and applied comprehension skills with reference to the syllabus;
- good or very good ability to collect and/or interpret data, making independent judgements;
- fully appropriate communication skills, especially in relation to the use of the specific language.
- proven study of the compulsory bibliography.
D. Honours will be awarded in the presence of applied knowledge and understanding with reference to the
programme, judgement and communication skills, excellent.
Type of exam
Teaching methods
Further information
Ca' Foscari applies Italian law (Law 17/1999; Law 170/2010) for support and accommodation services available to students with disabilities or with specific learning disabilities. In case of motor, visual, hearing or other disabilities (Law 17/1999) or a specific learning disorder (Law 170/2010) and need for support (classroom assistance, technological aids for carrying out individualized exams or exams, accessible format material, notes retrieval, specialist tutoring to support the study, interpreters or other), please contact the Disability and SLD office:
Ca' Foscari has included a point dedicated to "Inclusion, social justice, gender equality" (Flagship 7) in the University Strategic Plan 2021-2026 and has adopted, since 2022, a GEP (Gender Equality Plan):