Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0617 (AF:441368 AR:253413)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The teaching is one of the educational activities of the Brain Physics curriculum of the Master's Degree in Engineering Physics and allows the student to acquire knowledge and understanding of the fundamental and applied concepts of neuroimaging.

The objective of the teaching is to provide advanced knowledge in the field of neuroimaging, particularly in relation to the main methodologies for the acquisition and analysis of structural and functional brain images obtained with high-field magnetic resonance.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe the fundamental concepts related to the acquisition of brain images using magnetic resonance, to independently conduct data analysis, and to propose new approaches for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of various brain areas and their interactions.
Knowledge and Understanding
• Understanding the main methods for acquiring and analyzing structural and functional brain images
• Recognizing the importance of implementing robust and reproducible methodologies for neuroimaging data analysis

Application of Knowledge and Understanding
• Utilizing mathematics to describe the formation of magnetic resonance images
• Implementing data analysis pipelines for magnetic resonance imaging to enhance understanding of brain functioning processes

Judgment Autonomy
• Evaluating the validity of results obtained using standard methods for neuroimaging analysis or new methods developed to address specific neuroscientific questions
• Recognizing potential errors through critical analysis of developed/applied methods

Communicative Skills
• Communicating learned knowledge and the results of their application using appropriate terminology, both orally and in writing
• Interacting with the instructor and course colleagues in a respectful and constructive manner, particularly during group work

Learning Skills
• Taking notes, selecting, and gathering information according to their importance and priority
• Being sufficiently autonomous in collecting relevant data and information related to the investigated problem
Linear Algebra, Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, Computer Science I, Computer Science II
- Description of the physical principles of magnetic resonance imaging, upon which modern neuroimaging techniques are based.
- Definition of methods for image registration and segmentation, depending on the technique used and the analysis objective.
- Presentation of the main analysis techniques for studying brain activity and connectivity using functional magnetic resonance imaging.
- Evaluation of the obtained results, with particular emphasis on their interpretation and presentation methods in a scientific work.
Faulkner W.H., Rad Tech's Guide to MRI. Wiley Blackwell (2020).
Poldrack R.A., Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis. Cambridge University Press (2011).
The achievement of the teaching objectives is evaluated through participation in activities and exercises assigned during the course, as well as the completion of an individual project related to the acquisition and/or analysis of magnetic resonance imaging data.

At the end of the course, the student must produce a report on the individual project, in the form of a scientific article.

Students attending classes can earn additional points by participating in exercises proposed in class. The bonus will be added to the grade of the individual project.
Seminars: training in blended learning, combining activities in both synchronous and asynchronous modes.
Exercises: integrated tutorials with group work (peer-teaching, problem solving).
Language of the course: English

Examination method: Development of an individual project during the course, and writing of a final report on the activities carried out
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 29/03/2024