Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
CM0609 (AF:441365 AR:253407)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
1st Semester
Course year
The course is one of the educational activities of the Physics of the Brain curriculum of the Master's Degree Course in Engineering Physics and allows students to acquire the knowledge and understanding of the fundamental and applicative concepts of neurophysiology.

The objective of the course is to provide knowledge of modern condensed matter physics, particularly in the study of approximations and models, collective orders and dynamics, and emerging properties. Models of interaction between different subsystems will be studied, as well as the interaction between light and matter in solids. Finally, Dirac materials and topological systems will be studied.

At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe and calculate the most important models of material physics, and the modern experimental techniques for investigating solid materials.
Knowledge and Understanding
- To know and understand the laws of modern physics and their importance in technological development
- To comprehend the scientific method and its relevance in the study of natural phenomena and in critical thinking
- To understand the importance of scientific culture in the innovation processes of modern technologies

Ability to Apply Knowledge and Understanding
- To use the necessary mathematics to describe natural phenomena
- To apply the laws of quantum optics, to achieve an understanding of natural phenomena and to reach an organic view of physical reality

Judgment Autonomy
- To be able to evaluate the logical consistency of the results obtained from the application of acquired knowledge, both in theoretical and experimental contexts
- To recognize any errors through a critical analysis of the applied method

Communicative Skills
- To communicate the acquired knowledge and the result of their application using appropriate terminology, both orally and in writing
- To interact with the teacher and course colleagues in a respectful and constructive manner

Learning Skills
- To take notes, selecting and gathering information according to their importance and priority
- To be sufficiently autonomous in collecting data and information relevant to the investigated problem
Physics 1, Physics 2, Quantum Mechanics.
The role of models and approximations in physics, Einstein/Debye, Drude theory, Free electrons (Sommerfeld). Symmetries and order parameters: ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity. Multiferroics. Magnetization dynamics: LLG equation.

Light-matter interaction (frequency-dependent permittivity, symmetry rules). Ultrafast non-equilibrium dynamics, N-temperature models of electron-spin-lattice. Spin-electron and spin-lattice interactions: GMR and AMR; magneto-optics.

Fermi liquid theory: electron-electron interaction. Landau-Ginzburg. Electron-lattice interactions: superconductivity. Non-interacting electron gas: graphene and 2D systems. Topological insulators. Disorder and localization.

New tools in experimental sciences for studying materials.
David Snoke, Solid State Physics - Essential Concepts, Cambridge university press (2020).
The achievement of the teaching objectives is assessed through participation in activities and exercises assigned during the course and a final written exam.

The final written exam consists of problems similar to those solved in class during group work. During the exam, the use of notes, books, and other educational materials is not allowed. A sample exam will be made available.

Students attending classes can accumulate additional points by participating in quizzes and exercises proposed in class. The bonus will be added to the grade of the written exam.
Seminars: limited frontal lessons, group work (peer-teaching, problem solving)
Exercises: group work (peer-teaching, problem solving)
teaching language: english
This programme is provisional and there could still be changes in its contents.
Last update of the programme: 06/03/2024