Academic year
2024/2025 Syllabus of previous years
Official course title
Course code
LM5140 (AF:440732 AR:257451)
On campus classes
ECTS credits
Degree level
Master's Degree Programme (DM270)
Educational sector code
2nd Semester
Course year
Go to Moodle page
The course provides an opportunity to deepen the knowledge and understanding of the partipating states about changes and challenges in Japan’s political economy taking into account the impacts of ongoing social transformation. It overviews the shift of Japan’s socio-economic status and analyse how the lessons learned from the case of Japan can be applicable to other economies going through a similar structual change.

Knowledge and comprehension skills: Students will understand and be able to reproduce basic features of the economic and business development of modern as well as contemporary Japan. They will understand how these are related to the challlenges the Japan has faced with, both domestically and internationally.
Applied knowledge and comprehension skills: Students will be able to apply the comprehensive understanding gained from the case of Japan to analyse the situations elsewhere.
Use of independent judgment: Students will be able to critically evaluate the stereotyped and generalised views of Japan´s economy, based on a deeper understanding of theoretical, historical and cultural issues.
Students are expected to have: (a) a good command of English to understand lectures and proactively participate in discussions; (b) a sufficient command of English and Japanese to read and understand the recommended materials in English and in Japanese; (c) experience and skills of research to utilise materials in English and Japanese; (d) a sufficient presentation skill needed for the individual presentation of their findings in English. A reasonable background in Japanese economics as well as business would be helpful.
1. From the collapse of the bubble economy to the COVID-19 pandemic: an overview of the Japanese economy from 1990 to 2020
2. Key challenges facing Japan: shrinking and ageing population

Labour market reform to sustain economic growth and promote social inclusion
3. Promoting employment and leadership opportunities for women
4. Expanding the use of foreign workers and raising the fertility rate to cope with demographic challenges
5. Extending the careers of older persons

Raising productivity to sustain living standards in the face of a shrinking and aging population
6. Improving the innovation framework to boost productivity
7. Advancing the digitalisation of Japan to raise productivity and well-being
8. Upgrading corporate governance to revitalise the Japanese economy
9. mproving the insolvency regime to improve resource allocation
10. Making small and medium-sized enterprises a driver of growth and innovation

Enhancing well-being
11. Providing universal high-quality healthcare while controlling spending
12. Reducing income inequality and poverty to promote social inclusion
13. Reforming the energy sector to achieve green growth and stop climate change

Student presentation (14-15)

Focus on the inputs, given in the lecture modules. A digital version of the lecture materials will be uploaded to Moodle.
Basic textbook: Randall Jones, The Japanese Economy: Strategies to Cope with a Shrinking and Ageing Population (Routledge, 2022)
Other required and recommended readings will be provided through Moodle.

The final examination will cover the content of the lecture inputs.
The final exam will account for 80% of the grade.
The other 20% will be based on student presentation on one’s chosen topic taking place during the semester.
(NB: Non-attending students should contact the course conductor and discuss the alternative methods of assessment accordingly.)
The course consists of: individual study; lectures; in-class discussions; and presentation.
Students are required to have read and digested the reading materials prior to attending the classes.
It goes without saying that proactive participation is critical rather than merely being present in the classroom.
Definitive programme.
Last update of the programme: 10/01/2025